Chapter 10 - Turn ..Yes or No?

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It felt like hours that Chris and i were running thru the woods, i didn't even know where we were at all! I was just following Chris , holding his hand, trying not to trip over Rocks and Sticks, just trying to block the pain i was feeling in my feet from all the running all day, trying to block the pain i felt in my Stomach from the hunger and thirst i started to feel..

"Chris i am so Thirsty , i can't run anymore!" i said, letting myself fall into the ground.

"I know Laney, I Know..i promise you we will find something soon!" Chris said grabbing me with one of his super fast moves, wrapping me in his arms while i hold sunk my face into his neck . "but we must hurry now"

"hold tight ok !" he said and he started to run so fast i could barely see anything , i felt nothing but ice cold wind blowing on my face , i closed my eyes and for a few minutes i just let all my thoughts go, i just let the wind take away everything away hunger and my Pain...

i don't know how long it was actually that Chris was carrying me, but it felt just good. As soon as he stopped and let me get down ,i opened my eyes. We were still in the woods, but i could hear Cars driving , so i figured we must be somewhere close to the highway.

"where are we?" I asked him, still felling pretty dizzy , thank god Chris was still standing very close to me so that i could lean on him.

"we got to be on a highway close to the City , we should be home soon Laney!" he said looking at me, trying to calm me, giving me his wonderful and beautiful smile i fell in love with!

I could not help but to kiss him in that moment "thank you my Love ,Lets go ...lets go home!" i said grabbing his hand

After about two hours later , we finally reached my house, but instead of seeing my beautiful home that i remembered, we found a House that was all Broken, the Windows were demolished, the door were kicked down ,.."Oh no! what happened Chris?!"  I started to Cry in an instant , running toward the house, but Chris stopped me.

"Laney,Don't! You can't go in there, it's too dangerous!..lets go! they must have been here already looking for us!" he said pulling me back ."you never know what kind of Surprise they left you" Chris said now changing his whole face !

"Where are we supposed to go now? or what are we supposed to do Chris??" i said with tears rolling down my face "I can't do this anymore..i just can't ..and this is all Calissa's fault! I HATE HER! i started to scream ! at that moment , my heart begun to raise as if i was about to pass out, i could feel how my blood started to heat up my face and my whole body started to shake .. i felt such an anger.Chris rushed over to me and started to shake me, to hold me , but i pushed him so hard out of pure rage , that i didn't even noticed it.

" Laney"! He stared at me with his eyes wide open! more in disbelieve what just had happened.

"oh my God .. CHRIS!!! What have i done! I am so sorry!" Chris just looked at me while getting up from the Floor.. "Laney! i think it's starting"

"what do you mean ... It's starting??  what is starting?? I thought I need to feed to trigger the Transition?" I panicked

"I think you are starting to turn Laney!... sooner than expected, I don't understand why you don't need to feed tho, but Please Laney , Don't be scared, I promised you i will always be there for you, no matter what! I love you!"

"NO! It can't be..i don't want this! I can Not become a... a.. vampire ..a..witch ..or whatever i am cursed with! I am so scared Chris! what if i really Hurt you next time ??" i started to cry.

Chris wrapped his strong Arms around me, stronger than usual and pressed his soft lips on my forehead "No Laney  I promise you That will Not happen! We'll always be together, always! I promise you! but now, and first  of all we need to find Calissa, and fight against the others!"

We took a Cab back to Rosins Restaurant to see if we could find something or somebody over there, and it was our luck actually....

As we entered the Restaurant the fist thing i saw was Sarah .. i rushed over to her "Oh my God Sarah" , i almost screamed .. but she didn't even turned my way .. instead she just kept walking , doing her thing.. and again Chris just grabbed my Shoulder, i already knew exactly what that i just stood back and waited what would happened!

"Chris! she doesn't even recognize me anymore! what is going on??why is she ignoring me?" i asked Chris.

Chris just nodded, and replied ... "There must have been another Vampire in here controlling her mind and actions ." And as soon as he said that i heard that annoying laugh i hated since i heard it the very first time i heard it .."Johnny!...Of course! what did you do to Sarah" i snapped in an instant.

as soon as i saw him i could hear my blood again rushing up into my brain.. it was so loud i could hear it literally boiling in my ears.. "oh no CHRIS!.. i think it's happening again" i said.. Chris just rushed over to me.. "breathe Laney , deep .. in and out.. Don't let the anger control you"

I started to Breath as Chris told me to, looking deep into his Eyes, blocking everything else out ... and i could feel how i started to calm down, just by looking in Chris's Eyes. He might be right with everything the he told me before!

"Well well well.... isn't that Bonny and Clyde ??? " i heard Johnny saying, of course like always in his sarcastic undertone ! oough how i hated him, he really made me want to puke!

"Johnny , can we talk ?" Chris said pointing his head towards the back door .."sure come with me" Johnny said , so i just took a chair,  and waited in the corner next to the entrance, just in case i have to leave quickly , so i just sat there waiting for Chris to come back with hopefully good news that Johnny would tell him

It felt like half an Eternity and i still haven't heard from Chris nor Johnny , i started to worry so i went to the Backdoor, but as soon as i opened the door a little bit , i heard Johnny and Chris arguing but instead of stopping them , i wanted to know what they were talking about , that's why i just stood there and started to eavesdrop.

"Chris you know exactly what is about to happen , and its is already starting! Laney is already becoming one of us, just with a little more extra power , Thanks to This Witch Calissa, and you know if the Others find out that we are hiding Her Daughter, we are all going to die along with her and her mother!"

Johnny said, and this time he was Dead serious! no sarcastic ironie at all.!.

"I know Johnny, i know all that, but what are you expecting me to do? do you want me to let them kill her? I lover her, and nobody is going to touch her! We will go thru it, but we need to find Calissa first !" Chris said and , right in that moment i started to understand all the risk he was taking , in order to keep me safe, to keep me alive! Because Chris Loved me... just as much as i loved him!

I need to fight this Battle,.. against whatever is behind me...  I know 'The others' might be stronger now.. But i am Calissas daughter and Chris said , they fear nothing more than me , even if that means ..... That one thing that I never wanted to become! Even if I have to Turn! But I will fight for what i love .. I will fight for Chris! For us!

Chris i love you and we will make it! always and forever! I whispered , feeling my eyes filling up with tears and a knot in my throat...

*sorry guys i have been MIA in such such a long time , i will try to finish my story now really soon ! I Promise *

I hope y'all like it so far and please leave me some feedback, i would love to hear what you think about it so far !

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