Chapter 5 - be able to fear.... be able to fight!

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A Loud Crash, i remember something hitting the Car...I opened my eyes.. it was dark, i felt Raindrops falling on my Face, i smelled the taste of blood in my mouth and my body was hurting, i tried to get up but my legs felt like stone, i could barely move my head.. i turned around and saw people standing on the other side of the street..they were fighting from what i could see.. i wanted to scream out loud "please, somebody help me!!pleeease!!!" but not a single sound came out of my throat... i started to cry , still not being able to move an inch.

I looked deeper to those people oh no! Chris!! they are hurting him!" i took all my strength and power i had i focused so hard that i didn't even noticed that i was standing... i was dizzy and everything around me was turning in cricles.. but i just kept focus on Chris.. "please! don't hurt him!" i kept trying to shout, but still.. i had no voice... i saw Chris kneeling on the floor, somebody standing in front of him, hitting him over and over again in his face... blood everywhere.. I looked up trying to see the guys face but i couldn't recognize anything, it was to dark. I took all i had in me and finally "NOOOOOOOOOO! STOP HURTING HIM!" i shouted as loud as i could

Everybody stopped moving, even the guy in front of Chris stopped punshing him. My heart was pounding so hard that even my head started to hurt... i felt a huge and painful stitch in my forehead..faster as i could even imagine a Girl was standing in front of me... "OH NO" i whispered " a Vampire!" .... She looked at me for a few seconds.. crossing her hands in front of her Chest...looking all Crazy with her almost white hair and Pink bangs, wearing a Black Velvet suit... "and who do we have here?" she said , sounding like one of those Movie Psychos...She came closer, standing only an inch away from my face, grabbing my chin..smelling me..."who are you little girl?" she asked.. i tried to turn my head away from her but she grabbed it so hard that i couldn't even move..."Dont hurt her, please.. let her go!" i heard Chris "shut up traitor! its not your turn to speak!" the guy in front of him answered while pushing Chris back to the ground.

"Gooooo answer meee!" The girl kept saying, squeezing my face harder with her hand... " L...Laney!" i said stuttering ..."sooo and what are you doing  out here so late ?? Laney!" she asked speaking very slow like a Psycho again...I tried to look over to Chris.."I..I was out...with Chris"! i kept stuttering....She kept looking at me...smelled me again.."human!" she said.. in that moment, as fast as she came over, the other guy and Chris were standing next to us now.. "this is Angelo and my name is Trina!" he throwed me a really dirty smile over..."Chris ...oh god!are you OK?" i shouted as soon as i saw him...he nodded..."He is fine my dear...but you!"....Angelo said in the same Psycho tone as Trina ...."you leave her alone!" Chris shouted... "Why is she so important to you Christopher? She is just a Human...! he said, giving me a sarcastic look.... "She is coming with us!" Trina said, and grabbed my wrist so hard that i thought she broke that moment , i don't know what happened.....or who.. i just saw her head turning around and ...Trina was laying on the Ground ...The guy Angelo was Trapped between.....OH MY GOD! "Johnny!" i whispered.... Johnny was holding Angelo against Chris's Turned Jeep with what i presumed to be a stake, on his Chest ..Chris was now standing next to me.."Laney! are you ok?" he asked me... I nodded and was shaking all over my body.. Chris looked at me, and touched my face "Go .. you got to go NOW!" Johnny screamed over to us.... "Close your eyes Laney!" Chris said.. i closed my eyes and felt cold wind blowing fast thru my hair... "Ok.. go inside ! NOW!" He demanded ... We were standing in the Elevator.. but how fast ??.. i just stopped trying to find answers to all that anymore,.. not now.. I walked into the Livingroom while Chris were still standing in the Elevator "Come inside Chris.hurry" i said to him.....i followed him to the Bathroom "are these.. "the others"?" i asked.."Yes... they must have followed us.. " he answered standing in front of the sink and washing all the Blood off his Face and Hands..."What about Johnny?" i kept asking ..."He will be fine.. i am sure he took care of them!" he said very Serious...

I went to the kitchen, my throat was still sore and dry.. i grabbed a bottle water when i heard the Elevator opening...I was hid behind the Kitchen door and allover again , my body started to shake... "hello?..Chris?? Laney??... you guys here?? i heard Johnny ...I exhaled and went back to the Living room..." Johnny..are you ok?" i asked him.."Yes but i cant come in!" he replied.. "Why whats wrong?"...Chris came from the Bath room, wearing nothing but his bloody Jeans.."Because this is not My Apartment anymore!" ...He laughed...."You need to give him permission to come inside! remember what i gave you earlier..?" he asked.."Ohhh yea.. i remember can come in Johnny!" i said laughing and feeling kind of weird actually...

Johnny walked in, turned around and looked at me... he stood there for a few seconds , looking like he was trying to hear something... i looked over to Chris but he just flinched with his shoulders... Out of the blue.. in less than a second Johnny was standing right in front of me, he came closer but i pulled back.. he kept coming closer"what are you doing Johnny?" i snapped at him... "why can't i... read your thoughts?" he said slowly and in his crazy tone just like always... Chris came over and rolled his eyes.. he was standing behind me now... put my hair to the side so that Johnny could see the Necklace... "ooofff cooouurse...!".. he said while walking over to the couch.."Ok.. You two are way to calm for what just happened outside!" i snapped looking from Chris to Johnny ..."can please somebody tell me what happened and who these two.... two Demons were???"... i kept snapping ... Johnny was just sitting on the couch , twisting a peace of papers between his fingers.. he looked really bored.. while Johnny was standing just like always in front of this Huge Window, looking over the City, his hands buried in his pockets...

"These are Traders send by "the others".. the ones who are responsible for what happened to your Parents Laney!" Chris started to talk .. he sounded really calm although these two Monsters just beated the Crap out of him! .... "They must have seen us tonight and followed us .. they hit our car and well... you know the rest !" he kept saying.. i just nodded "Johnny! did you.....killed that Girl?" i asked .. i still saw him snapping her Neck right in front of my eyes... "well yes.. and no!" he answered still playing around with that paper he was holding..."what do you mean?? i saw you breaking her Neck!" i snapped.. he just gave me his ridiculous smirk i hated since the day at the Chapel...

"No , he didn't kill them... They are both fine.. although you should have killed them!" Chris said.. "yea .. of course ! I should do your dirty work, since Mr. Boomer JR decided to resign Human Blood and isn't strong enough to defend his little Girlfriend!" Johnny snapped back at Chris... I turned around and looked at Chris.'so i was right !'i thought ....

Chris pulled the little bench in front of the Window closer to the couch. .. I guess he was about to say something serious when  my phone started to ring.. "unknown number" Chris said looking at me and Johnny. . "Laney! pick up and turn on the speaker" Johnny said..
I took the cell phone... "hello?"..hoping I didn't sound weird or something. .."Laney?. .. I'm sure you already know who I am... and I need to see you !"..the female voice said very slow, almost whispering.. she stopped for a few seconds..."its very important Laney! are in danger!.. the female voice kept speaking. .. "come tomorrow at 22.00 to the old chapel... tell him to bring you here ...and please do not , under any circumstances let anybody follow you!.. she hung up..
I looked at Chris. . And I could feel my heartbeat all up in my throat.
While he was again standing ,facing the Window. .. I just heard him sighing.

"awesome.. now this is reaaaally , like reaaaally bad"! Johnny said, all sarcastic while getting off the couch.."Ok guys..i got to go.. call me tomorrow..take care guys" he said and left in the Elevator..
Chris was still standing on the window.. "I don't think this is a good idea" he said..."but.. you've heard what she said..i am in danger and maybe she can help"! i replied and i was really desperated .. and scared

Chris shoke his head.."no, i don't know if that was really Calissa, or the others trying to get you in a Trap..we can't rust anybody Laney" Chris said, and for some reason i had to admit that he might be right... "so what should we do instead?, i mean somebody is there waiting for us right?"..

He sighed.. " i will try to get one of my... you know.. to go over there and find out who's waiting" he said, typing a message in his phone.. "ok.. and until then... we will just hide here again?" i snapped , rolling my eyes.. i mean, i loved this Penthouse, and it was more than comfortable, but i just can't stand, being stuck in here anymore... I just can't stand this whole situation anymore...

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