Chapter 2 - what happened...??

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"Laney"! ...i heard Chris screaming.." I was so deep in my thoughts, that i totally forgot everything around me staring at my surrounding and starring at Chris. "laney !! come on,..we need to get out of here!!" he almost yelled,  grabbing my arm. "whats going on?"! I said Following him almost tripping over my own feet "i don't know..just come on.. And hurry!" I followed him out of the Dining room and outside..everybody was running and screaming.. i was trying to see what's going on, maybe a fire ? ..but Nothing, I couldn't see a damn thing ! .... we got to the car, thank god the keys were in there, so we just jumped inside and drove off.. "Oh no! my Purse!" i noticed and shouted .. he looked at me, with his eyes wide open"What? What do you mean your purse? He asked! ,.. " I didn't grabbed it when you pulled me out that place "! I said. " what was in your purse laney?" he asked me with a really weird look, almost like he was about to panic.." not much only my cellphone and my wallet!"" ..I said." your wallet and cellphone? i just nodded still pretty confused on what the heck was going on".he was driving so fast and we got back to town really quick, Chris didn't talked to me the whole way back, he didn't say a single word actually ...and from what i could recognized it was not the way to my house at all...

"where are we going Chris? " i asked him" where are you taking me?? I asked him.. "Not now laney.. i need to think!.. he said still having this weird look on his face...

We were driving downtown, a lot of people where out, of course it was weekend , we turned into a very popular Side street, where all the Big Office buildings and fancy stores are...I barely get into this area, it's the place for rich people.

We were driving inside of one of these huge buildings's Parking garage, Chris got out of the car, walked over to my side, opened my door and grabbed my hand, still not saying a single word, he was grabbing my hand pretty hard tho, and  i was really wondering the whole time why he was acting like that? What happened at the wasn't even a Meeting at all!.. It was more like a high society charity ball or something .

We got into an big elevator, with mirrors and a bright lights, like the ones you see at those five star hotels on TV , he pushed the number seven, the door closed and we wer already moving up, standing in front of each other, still silent, but he was still holding on to my hand. he looked at me, I could see that his forehead was all shiny and some sweat drops were building up around his sideburns ... i looked back, and he stepped closer towards me , hugged me, pushing my head on his chest "what is going on Christopher"? i asked him almost whispering.. i could hear him take a deep breath, that was actually more like a desperate sighing! I was standing so close to him, that I could smell him, and there it was again... My dream.. I had this DEYAVU again.. And I blushed right away .. ,he just looked me in the eyes, still having his arms wrapped around my body... I think my heartbeat raised from zero to one two hundred in one second !
" thank god Chris don't know how to read minds " I thought in that moment...

"We will find out what exactly happened, but tonight I won't let you go home, I want you to stay here and I need you to trust me,Laney, please!"... i was just standing there, not knowing whats going on, or what to say... just inhaling his scent .. And in That minute, I don't know why, but i remembered the weird woman on the phone, telling me to not trust anybody!...he grabbed my shoulders, looking deep in my eyes "Please Laney!".. i nodded slowly and took a look around. My heart was beating faster, I was scared, confused .. And I couldn't stop thinking about the woman on the phone. Should i trust Christopher? can i trust Him?

The Elevator door opened into a huge room, I've never seen something like that, the elevator door was practically the front door to Chris's apartment.., there was a huge window from one side to another, with really nice Bamboo and bonsai trees on the large window bench, the furniture was very nice.. it looked new.. he had the whole living room, this is what i think this room is, in dark brown and beige colors.. a lot like my room i thought...a few paintings hanging on the wall, and some Mayan  sculptures I think. They looked really nice though..Some really nice beige blankets on each corner of the Big Brown leather Couch, and the table was a simple big rock with a glass plate on top...

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