Chapter 9 - Run Laney

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"let me go " I screamed, slamming against the door, it was dark and I was scared. I woke up a few minutes ago, and I couldn't see anything, it was dark and cold.. I closed my eyes, trying to remember what happened, but my thoughts were blurry, I only remembered that Chris and I were having breakfast when The door pushed open, and four huge guys came in. Two went directly towards me, grabbed me and covered my mouth with a towel until I passed. "omg CHRIS!!! " I shouted and started to slam against the door again, but this time.... "what if something happend to chris? I would never forgive myself, I couldn't even tell him that I love him, and that I'm sorry for what I said!

I pressed my head against the wall , hoping to hear something..anything.. but there was nothing. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. It smelled moldy and wet.. like the basement in a old house. I tried to sense anything , to hear anything i focused on the dark,....

"laney" i heard a female voice whisper,. I stepped back ... or didnt i? "laney , listen deeper" again , a voice was talking to me and i knew in an instant it was My mother Calissa trying to contact me.. "Calissa!! i am here, Help me! Get me out " i screamed, and started to pound on the walls around me, hoping she would hear me!

"try to focus, you will find the way out ! You can make it! Just Focus!!!" i heard her saying... "I cant!!! please help me, please get me out of here! I started to cry"

"Focus Laney! Focus!" I took a deep Breath, closed my eyes and thought about Chris, about the woods, about walking out " I opened my eyes but it was still Dark. "I can't" i whispered to myself "damn it!!" ..."You can do it daughter !' i heard Calissa speaking to me again."just relax your brain " I heard her voice in my head

Ok, another deep Breath and i started to focus , focus on the door opening..I dont know how long i was sitting there thinking over and over again about getting out, I imagined a lock, Chris's face, the bad guys, how scared I was of them hurting Chris.... ! And then, out of a sudden I heard a loud squeeking, i opened my eyes and i couldn't belive it, the door was open! It was still very dark and i had no idea where i was, where to go or how to get out this place. But I could see a very small light beam from where the door opened.

As soon as my eyes adjusted I started to look around, it looked like a cellar, I still had this moldy smell in my nose .
Another deep breath... I noticed that I was shaking all over. It was dark and I wanted to get out.. "Clarissa" I whispered .. How do I get out here? I hoped she would speak to me, but no way. However she did it in that cell,.. It worked!
"Please Calissa, help me out" I kept asking, feeling a big knot in my throat. "Ok, more try" i told Myself "Focus Laney".... I heard a loud Klick, as if someone opened a door "Hello ? ..somebody there?" I asked.. Now i could See a big light .. It looked like it's far away, so I started running towards it, with just one thought ... Chris !

"Where is Laney! What did you do to her?" Chris was screaming, he was sitting in a huge cage "I swear, if you hurt her, I'll kill you Myself ! All of you" he kept screaming, trying to open the door , but he wasn't strong enough. He was in the middle of the woods, and couldn't see anything besides trees and bushes.. And the only thing he could think of was Laney! "What if they hurt her? Or worse, what if the killed her? Or what if they turned her?? Please no!! " He sat down, trying to calm down ...

Laney was still running in the woods, trying to find a street, a sign ,somebody...anything .
She was thirsty and hungry, it was about to get dark soon and Laney was still lost in the woods.. Her feet were hurting , and she was starting to get tired.
From far away she saw something shining, a light maybe... She started to run towards it... As she got closer she started to sneak up on the the shiny thing, just in case it's the enemy, so she was hiding behind a tree to see what it actually is. When she saw a big cage , with a man inside laying in it . The guy looked like he was dead.. His shirt was pretty ripped as if he was in a fight..l
As she looked closer the guy started to move and turn around, and she recognized the guy in an instant!! Laney started to run as fast as she could even if her feet could really run anymore, she was so worn out and tired...

"Oh my god..Laney" ... I heard a familiar voice saying.. I was so tired and almost about to pass out... But I recognized the voice , the voice of the one I love!

"Oh my god, Chris" she took all the strength she had left and ran to him
"What did they do to you? Why are u in this cage ?what happened?" Laney looked around the cage, trying yo find a lock or something, but there was nothing , there is no way out!
"Laney, are you OK"? Chris asked
"Yes I am fine, just tired" Laney said, shaking the bars on the cage.."I could escape , they had me locked up, in a cellar or something, but... I heard Calissa talking to me..I Think that I'm going crazy.." Laney said.. "What do you mean you heard Calissa"? Chris asked.."she told me what to do to get out!" Laney answered , Chris jumped over to the side where she was standing..." That's it Laney! Call Calissa, focus and try to make a connection to her" ..Laney couldn't believe what Chris was saying..."what do you mean"? "I can't do that, she was talking to me..." " Chris grabbed her hands, "Laney, close your eyes"...". Now picture Calissa , try to picture her face " he was still holding her hands..." OK, now call her, ask her to talk to you"
Laney did as he said "Calissa, can you hear me? Please, i need your help!" Laney started to shake... "I can't do this" Laney said, still shaking
"Yes Laney! I know you can!" Chris said, grabbing her hands again " try to focus, try to feel and connect to Calissa" he said
"Calissa, please! I need you " Laney said, again, she started to shake, she felt her blood rushing up her face, she started to feel hot .."Laney, focus on the cage, you can open it" she heard Calissa whispering... She let go of Chris's hands , now grabbing the cage bars , she closed her eyes, and again, she felt a hot rush all over her body. "Clack" a loud noise  ... And The cage opened on the top.. She fell on her knees  , not believing what just had happened... She was still shaking all over , she felt salty sweat drops running down her lips .
Chris rushed over to her, grabbing her, hugging her
" oh baby, you made it"? Oh love ! " are you ok "?
Laney was still on her knees, hiding her face behind her hands...
She looked up... "Yes ! i guess i'm fine ! ... " Oh my god ! Chris! what happened??"
She hugged and kissed him
" did you see this, what did i do?"
Chris stood up and started to get kind of nervous, "Laney, we need to get out of here
before they come back"..... " After what just happened they may track the magic you just used Laney , let's go "!

* the picture shows Chris and Laney, after Laney using her New discovered magical powers

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