Chapter 8 - bad choices

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I opened my eyes, smelling fresh coffee,scrambeled eggs with bacon. I looked around and of corse I was still stuck in the Cabin..two month now. "Good morning Laney". Chris was standing in the kitchen, from where he could look right into the dorm. His smile and his look still mesmerize me , it always will. "Good morning Chris" I said , still smiling about my own thoughts.

"Two more days and we will be out of here " Chris said, while pouring me some coffee in my cup. I got out the bed, sat down and started to serve myself some of the eggs he made. I smiled at him, but in reality I was more than scared. We were hiding , and staying here just as Calissa told us to. Why?? Well till the day I still don't know exactly why,..only that "the others" can't find me....

But with all this hide and seek... with all this protecting me, Chris and i are drifting apart..each day more and more and more.. i sighed ..Chris looked at me just nodding.. i know he know excatly what i was thinking.Even though he couldnt read my mind, but somehow he always knew what i was thinking.

I stood up, walkink to the little sink, standing now right next to him, I stood there, and i could smell him, i turned around, facing him.. i looked in his eyes , and touched his cheek. "You know i love you , right?" i said smiling at him. he nodded, and started to kiss me, licking my lips, i kissed him back , moaning when our tounges touched. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer to me, he picked me up and carried me over to the bedroom. i layed on top of him, burrow my hands in his soft hair while kissing him deeply. "i need you " he said

I smiled and crashed my lips against his. Chris picked me up, turning me around, "I missed you Laney" he said i could feel his cold breath on my skin , and i was litteraly about to melt... He was passionate and wild. It felt as if we were about to melt in together as one. It was just wonderful.

We were laying for a while naked in bed, before we heard some strange sounds coming from outside.

"I am sure its just another Deer " I said tuning away from chris to look outside, i pushed the curtain to the side , and there they were, standing all around the cabin, "chris " i shrieked he rushed over to me.. "who are these guys?" i asked him , shaking all over my body..."Go downstairs Laney..HURRY! and dont make a sound!" Chris commanded

I pushed the seat to the side, opened the cellar and hid behind a shelf. I could barely hear the voices upstairs,  I couldn't understand what's they where talking or asking christopher, I was just praying that they won't hurt him or find me.

After a while,  felt like forever down there in the dark I heard a Crack, I was so scared "Laney, come out,  they're gone "  Chris said. I sighed,  relieved that Chris was fine

"what was that about? " I asked him, still being blended by the brightness

"They were looking for Calissa,  I told them that I haven't seen her and that she took u with her, thank god they bought it "

As I walked over to get me a glass of water,  Chris stepped in front of me, he grabbed my hands, looking me in the eyes " Laney, I need to tell you something,  I thought I can wait or better never needed to tell you " Chris said and I could hear fearness in his voice "what's wrong Chris? " I asked,   feeling my legs getting all soft

"remember I told u about your father, that he was a Vampire?" I nodded " and Calissa,.. She being one of the most powerful witches? " I nodded again  and u being their daughter,  that makes u more powerful than anything existing. "I pulled my eyebrow up,  laughing.. "That again?!!" I replied

"look Laney,  I know it's hard to believe,  but u have to trust me on that one,  the others are trying to find u,  to make u feed and tricker ur transition.  They want u because u are the only one to save them.  I just stood there, feeling paralyzed "but I thought Calissa is the most powerful creatures they are afraid of?" chris nodded "yes she is, but u will turn 21 soon, and with that u will have to turn.....  If u feed!" he said looking down the ground.  "What do you mean feed ??" Blood?? NO!! I asked  not really knowing what to think or really say.  "what do u mean with " have to ?, what if I don't want to?" I asked, still in disbelief of all this that he is telling me.

"If u don't turn, than u will die Laney" Chris said almost whispering, turning around.

I shoked my head, "this can't be, how didn't you tell me sooner?,  why now"?  I went back and forth in between the furniture in the living room "I can't become a monster...  And I won't " I said firm,  I was more than convinced that I would rather die than turn into a bloodsucking monster.

"Laney, please... Don't u understand that you will die? Please don't even think about that, how can u? How can you even consider to leave me alone after all we've been through!  I looked chris in the eyes and there he was, standing and begging me to turn, Tears rolling down his cheeks. "And how can you say you would rather die , than to become a monster? That's what you think of me? " Chris said , still with tears on his cheeks

He pulled me towards him,  holding my hand. "please Laney,  don't do that to me! Look at me, and tell me that what u see is a monster!  That the one you love is a bloodsucking monster! " he said squeezing my hand.  "I love you so much, and I promise you that I will always be on your side, I won't ever let you get hurt"
"I love you so much Laney"

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