Chapter11 - Still no Answers.. still no closure

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So there i was, still hiding and listening to the conversation that Johnny and Chris were having. Still fighting with this Huge knot in my throat , trying not to burst out in tears after all i had heard the last couple of Minutes ...

"Chris, you know there is only one more option to find Calissa! Laney needs to trigger her inner witch and try to do a Spell herself !" i heard Johnny saying

Chris just stood there, like always with his hands buried in his Jeans Pockets.."there is NO WAY she will be able to , and you know that, least NOT YET!" he said shaking his head " You know exactly , ... we don't even know how strong, or how much Power she would actually have after she becomes of us!" Chris said sighing, and i could clearly hear him being worried .

"Exactly ! with her being one of us, and being a little witch on Top? That's just a Bonus Chris" Johnny said. While i was listening to them arguing about me, i still could not really realize that they were actually talking about me, This whole situation is way to surreal for me in so many ways.

"Laney!" Chris turned around "how long have you been standing there ?" Chris asked after he saw me. "Long enough to hear a lot i guess!" I answered, while walking closer to them.  "So what exactly is your Plan Now ? isn't there another witch who could do a Spell to find Calissa? " I asked and just by looking at Johnny i could already see how pissed off and annoyed he was at me!

"NO YOU LITTLE MISS KNOW IT ALL! There is no Other Witch!" He snapped back at me  " Back off Johnny " Chris Jumped between Johnny and me,  Kind of Pushing him with his chest away from me. Chris got so mad , even Face Change ! "Ok ok , Don't Worry ! I am not Going to Hurt your little Princess Chris, But she is really getting on my Nerves with her attitude!" Johnny said!

I just shoke my Head , and turned around. "We still have no solution" I said and could hear Johnny snap "Yea because you don't want to..." ... "Johnny ...STOP IT" Chris said right away .

I turned back, facing them " he is right Chris! It's all because of me ! I guess i will just have know!" i said , not even thinking what exactly i was talking about in that moment, but i thought  that was the right thing to say.. and to do!

"Finally.. here we go!" Johnny snapped clapping his hands as if he is celebrating something!

"No Laney, we can't speed up Your would be to Risky, we don't know what part in you is more dominant, the Witch or the Vampire! And we also don't know why it's already triggered in the first place " Chris said giving Johnny a Threatening look."and don't you dare to do something Stupid Johnny!" throwing Johnny again this Threatening look he gave him before.

"we really need to get out of here, i am sure they will be coming to look for you here again pretty soon!" Johnny said and went back inside Rosins

I just stood there, staring at the Parking Lot ground.. Chris Grabbed my waist, pulling me closer to him "you know we will be fine , don't you?" he said. I  looked up at him , his face almost touching mine, "i don't know, i hope we will" i whispered kissing his chin.

"Let's go and find a place to stay the night love " Chris said as we left Rosins Parking Lot ...

We grabbed a Cab, to take us to the next City that was about an hour away, the whole time i was trying to stay a wake , but i was still so tired from running and hungry on top, i dozed away in Chris's Arms, feeling him holding me , gave me peace in that moment.

When the Cab Stopped, i saw that we were standing in front of a Huge building, not as huge as the Penthouse building though. We headed straight into a Elevator, and everything gave me flashbacks on the first time i got to Chris's Penthouse. But this time the Elevator opened, and Instead of us going up, the Elevator moved Down!

"Why are we going to the Basement Chris?" i asked him, still wondering since the Elevator didn't stopped after 5 floors down...and still was going ! "Where are we going? what is this here?" i kept asking him

"We are almost there, i will explain everything to you in just a moment Laney " he said , when he pushed some buttons, that looked as if he is pressing some sort of Code actually .

The Elevator Door opened and behind that was a heavy Iron Door , and again Chris Pushed some numbers that opened that door now , but it was so loud since we were in the basement, Chris and i stepped out the elevator in some sort of Hallway again , that actually looked pretty creepy now , with candles attached on the stonewalls, the floor was covered in Carpet so our steps were actually pretty quiet , Thank god!

"Chris .. what is this ?" is whispered "shh .. we are almost there" he answered , also whispering , while holding my hand walking this dark creepy Hallway.

When we reached another huge Door, no actually it was more of a Gate, we were suddenly outside again, i have no idea how the heck , that could even be possible , since we were just moving down in a Elevator, walking in a basement hallway, next to dark walls on Wet mold smelling carpets , but honestly, right now , nothing really surprises me anymore, and i actually just want answers, solutions and a way out of all this misery!

"Chris! Please.. can I get some answers now? i am exhausted" ......

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