Chapter 4 - When one door opens....

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It was already afternoon and I was taking a nap when I heard the elevator door ringing...I opened my eyes and just listen...

It was Johnny who came over, I remembered that Chris called him earlier....

"Johnny, what should I do now? If they find out she is here..they'll kill us all!" I heard Chris saying, and hold my breath...

"Don't worry Chris, I have a plan, but you need to let me do this my way!" Johnny replied... I wasn't sure if trusting him was actually such a good idea.." OK Johnny,but I want to know what your plans are" Chris said, and from what I could tell he wasn't that sure about trusting Johnny either..."ok, do you have Chrissy's or Roberts Phone number? They may be helpful ... If you know what I mean" Johnny said.. I sat up and saw Chris coming towards me.. He took his cellphone from the glass table, looked at me and smiled...I turned around and looked at Johnny.."good morning lady" he said lifting his head up..."hey" I answered short... Chris wrote down a number , and gave it to Johnny.."bye, I'll fill you in ASAP" he said and left...

A few days passed without any news or drama.. But I had a feeling that it was way to quiet..
Friday afternoon..Chris wasn't home like everyday around that time.. I didn't knew where he is , and I really didn't wanted to know... Although I could imagine. oough..every time I think about what he might be doing I felt cold chills all over my body.. And I was still stuck here and couldn't leave the loft.. So I was watching Chris's whole movie collection for the third time,when somebody was calling on the cellphone that Chris bought me... Who could that be? Nobody got my number besides Chris and..oh my god..MOM!!i knew she would call back...I picked up..."hello Mom"?? I asked all excited... "Laney? Is that you?"..I heard a female voice asking.. But it wasn't mom!..."who is this"? I asked very skeptical ..."are you ok?" The Woman asked me, without answering my question..."who are you? And how do you have my number?" I asked her again...and for a few seconds there was silence.. I could hear her breathing and I remembered her voice... "Oh you called me before right? You said I can't trust anybody!right??..So who are you?" And I don't know why, but i just took the chance and asked.. "Calissa???... is this you?."... Beep beep beep... She hung up...oh my god, this can't be possible! how did she knew and ..oh no! I need to call Chris.. I dialed his number and again I couldn't reach him, only the voice mail.."Chris please, something happened, you need to come home right now!"

It was past midnight, I felt Chris kissing my cheek...I passed out watching Pearl Harbor.. "Laney, I'm home" he whispered..."what happened?" He asked.. I sat up, rubbed my eyes.."I think Calissa called me!" I said ... Chris grabbed my cellphone with one of his fast flash moves..."what? what did she said". He asked..."nothing.. She hung up after I said her name!" I replied... Chris sat down next to me...took my hand "Laney, don't ever pick up the phone you understand!" .. I just looked at him, not really understanding why, but I just nodded... He kissed me and went to the bathroom..with my phone!

great! I thought, not that I am only stuck here in this apartment, now I don't even have a chance to call anybody..."awesome" I sighed....

Chris woke up early, I didn't even noticed that he had left... He got some breakfast.. And I could smell fresh brewed coffee..oh how I loved that smell. I got up, went to the bathroom and straight to the diner... "Good morning" I smiled .."good morning beautiful" Chris said, giving me his stunning smile, "good he is so hot" I thought... "Oops" came out of my mouth.. And of course I blushed.. "oh embarrassing is that?"..I kept thinking... I really forgot for a moment that he knew everything I was thinking... And I really had my thoughts under least when he was around..

He smiled ...and just raised his eyebrow... "Stop acting like you don't know!" I snapped at him..."oh...I know!" He replied giving me this sneaky smile from the side....

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