Chapter One: The Dream, and New Friends

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Waking up screaming I open my eyes, then realize it's just THE DREAM... again.  Knowing what's about to happen I cover my head as everything crashes to the floor.  Looking around my room, I sigh, flop back on my pillow and stare at the ceiling.

Every time I wake up from this dream, this nightmare, it slowly slips away...  After a few seconds I can only remember hazy images that make no sense.  All that's left is a feeling of unbearable loss that hurts down to my very soul, but of what or who, I have no idea.

Sitting up on the edge of my bed I look around the hotel room at the mess I've made.  When my emotions are at their highest, I sometimes lose control.  The problem is, that's also when I'm the most powerful.

"I can't keep living like this," I whisper as I look down at the dirty carpet.

Suddenly I hear pounding on my door. Getting up I ease over to it.  "Who's there?" I shout.

"It's the manager. Open the door."

"What do you want. It's 3 a.m. and I'm trying to sleep."

"Then what was that loud crash? Open up or I'm getting my keys and coming in anyway."

Turning around I lean against the door looking at my trashed room. "Why can't I ever catch a break?"  A tear falls as I close my eyes and try to gather my thoughts.

*** A minute later ***

"Open up girl. I mean it!" He shouts.

As I open the door he steps inside and turns on the light. The room is nice and neat except for the covers on my bed.

"Are you satisfied?"

He turns to me and stares...  "Just be out of here by nine," he says and walks out.

After closing the door I turn around and everything I was holding together with my thoughts falls into pieces.

*** Six A.M. ***

After getting dressed I quickly pack my things and head out.  I need to get away; I always need to get away.  As I'm walking through the parking lot a car pulls up beside me.

"Hey... Where're you headed?" I turn to find a guy in a leather jacket driving an old Firebird. Shaking my head I decide to keep walking as he eases the car forward keeping up with me.

"There's nothing for miles in that direction.  Why don't you get in. I promise I'm harmless."

"Yeah I bet... Well, he's right about one thing. It's a long walk to the next town." I stop and turn to him.

"If you try anything..."

He holds his hands up, "Hey, you can trust me."

"I know I'm going to regret this," I think as I walk around and get in his car.

He pulls out onto the highway and we head south. Both of us remain silent for a couple minutes before the inevitable.

"So, what's your name?"

I just stare at him.

"I'm just trying to be friendly," he says smiling.

"It's Caitlin."

"Well hello Caitlin. I'm Chris."

"Look Chris, I appreciate the ride, but I'd love to just sit back and close my eyes. I didn't get much sleep last night."

"No problem. Go ahead and take a nap. Just put your seatbelt on first," I turn back to look at him. "Safety first."

"Fine..." I grab the belt and put it on. "Now, are we good?"

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