Chapter Nineteen: Reality...

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The sunshine hits my face as I slowly wake up. Turning my head I see Ben lying on his side with his head resting on his hand, smiling, "Good morning beautiful."

I smile and we kiss, "Good morning,"I whisper.

He takes and kisses my hand, "I loved being with you last night."

I rake my fingers through Ben's hair, "Me too." We look deeply into each other's eyes. I feel love like I've never felt before. At no time have I ever been happier in my entire life...

Suddenly Ben's smile fades... He rolls onto his back and holds his chest with his hands as blood begins to pour from his fingers. I'm horrified... and scream...

He looks up at me and tries to smile, "Remember, I love you forever Caitlin..." and slowly vanishes.

"Ben, No...." I cry out in agony..,

I wake up screaming and Kyle rushes over to me. He sits down on the bed and holds me tight as I sob hysterically. "Caitlin, I'm here, I'm here. Just let it out." I take a deep breath and scream again... Everything is now flying in circles around the room and the bed we're on has lifted up several feet and goes to the center of the room.

Kyle continues to hold me tight as Sarah opens the bedroom door. She gasps as she stands watching the spectacle. With everything that's happening she knows better than to try to come inside...

"Caitlin, look at me." I force my eyes open and can feel him as he joins his power with mine and takes control. Everything suddenly stops moving and is suspended for a few seconds. Except for the bed it all drops to the floor. Kyle eases the bed back down and Sarah rushes inside and puts her arms around me.  They both hold me as I continue to sob... Remembering...

Two hours later...

Kyle and Sarah have been with me since I woke up. I'm slowly coming to the realization that the only man I'll ever love, is gone...

"How long have I been out?" I finally ask.

"You've been asleep for a day and a half," Sarah answers.

"Where are we?"

"We're at a safe house. Maxwell's group has been split up. We're safe... for now," Kyle says.

"Where's Sam and Kelsey?" I ask.

"Sam is at another safe house," Sarah says.

"And Kelsey?"

I hear a voice from the doorway, "I'm here," I turn to see her, "If you still want me to be?" She has tears streaming down her face. Sarah gets up as Kelsey slowly walks over and sits down. '"I'm so sorry Caitlin. I should've known better. I'm sorry I ever doubted you."

I stare at her for a moment, "It's not your fault. I should've told you about your cousins. Then maybe things might've," I pause a few seconds and look down, "turned out differently."

A tear falls down my face, "Keller was right about one thing," I look at her. "Ben's death is on my hands..."

"You can't think like that.  He manipulated me into doing what I did. If I hadn't..." Kelsey looks down at the floor.

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