Chapter Seven: Threats...

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Sam locks the door after the detectives leave and we all walk back outside onto the deck. I'm still upset as Ben sits down beside me, "It's going be OK.  They just needed to finish up on their investigation."

"I know," I sit quietly for a moment, "I'm sorry about lying to all of you about my last name.  When I first arrived in town I didn't know who to trust," I shake my head. "I should have told you the truth a long time ago."

"Hey, it's alright.  We would've done the same thing in your shoes," says Kelsey.

I stare at the floor. "I just want to be a normal person," I look up at them. "The three of you don't know how lucky you are to be normal. I can't go anywhere or do anything without looking over my shoulder wondering who's watching, if I'm going to be attacked at any given moment, or if something will happen and I'll lose control of my ability. People are afraid of me just because of what I can do. When people get afraid, they can do terrible things. I've seen it... I've experienced it..."

I turn to face Ben as a tear falls, "I'm sorry, but I think it would be best... if I left." 

Ben squeezes me tight, "No!  We will get through this together.  You heard the detectives.  They said they will leave this address out of their report.  You're safe here." 

"Maybe, but are all of you safe around me?" 

"As far as we're concerned, this is your home.  I will not let anyone run you out of it," Kelsey sternly says as she gets up and walks over to me. "Promise me you'll stay, at least for a while longer until we see how things go."  I look at her not knowing what to do...

She continues, "You're right, some people are frightened of what you can do, but there are a lot of people who are grateful for what you've done as well. Give our community a chance.  There's a lot of good people here..."

Later in the evening...

Ben and I are outside on the deck.  I can't believe how strongly my friends feel about me.  They're willing to put their safety in jeopardy just for me.  That's the kind of friendship you don't find everyday... 

Ben is holding me and I feel so good in his arms.  I've never felt this way about anyone.  I wish I could stay in his arms forever...

"Promise me that you won't leave when we go to school tomorrow," He pleads.

I look up at him...  "Please promise me that you'll stay here at the apartment where it's safe."

Looking at him my heart aches as I think about leaving him and I can tell his is too.  We stare into each other's eyes and something tells me to "Run away from you as fast as I can, so you would be safe," but my heart... tells me to stay...  I'm so mixed up.  It seems to be the story of my life...

"I promise I won't leave without telling you," a tear falls, "I'm sorry, but at this point, that's the best I can do."  He holds me as we sit in silence, watching the sun go down...

Early Monday morning...

The girls are about ready to head out the door to class.

Kelsey hugs me, "We'll be back around three. Just stay here and relax.  I'll call you on my breaks."

I put on a fake smile, "I will." Sam hugs me as well, and they head out the door. I lock it and go sit outside on the deck.

My cell rings and I see it's Ben. A smile appears on my face, "Hello handsome."

"Good morning beautiful. How did you sleep?"

"Tossed and turned all night."

"I figured you would. Do you get any rest at all?"

"A little," I lied, "I'm on the deck enjoying the sunshine."

"Good. Just take it easy today. Promise me if you need me, you'll call." 

"I will."

"I'll call at lunch and as soon as I get out of class. Are you sure you're OK?"

"Yes I'm fine. Stop worrying."

"I like worrying about you."

I smile, "I kind of like it too." 

"I'll see you after school.  Just stay at the apartment, relax and I'll be there before you know it."

Rolling over I smile, "Alright, you talked me into it." 

"Great, I'll see you later beautiful." 

"See you then," I say and hang up the phone.  I like having friends who really care about me, especially Ben...

Sacramento State University...

Ben arrives at school and enters his classroom.  He always arrives early to help get everything set up for Professor Fletcher. 

Fletcher is in his private office and notices, "Ben can I see you for a moment?"  He walks to his door. "Please sit down." 

As Ben sits down Fletcher studies him for a moment, "How was fall break?"

"OK sir.  How was yours?" 

Fletcher stares at Ben, "Did anything unusual happen while I was gone?"

Ben gets a little nervous.  Fletcher picks up the remote for the TV and turns it on.  It's playing the security video from the tests he did with Caitlin. 

"Oh no!  I thought the security cameras were still down," Ben thinks.

Fletcher pauses it as the chairs are spinning. 

"Is there anything you would like to tell me?" 

Ben just sits there... not knowing what to say.

"What's her name?" 

"There's no way I'm telling you," He thinks.

"I promised her before the test that I wouldn't show anyone the video or tell anyone about her." 

"Now Ben, we've always shared all our research and videos with each other.  Why not this one?" 

"I'm sorry sir, but I can't this time." 

Fletcher stands up, walks around and sits on the desk.  "Do you have a personal interest in her?" 

Ben shrugs his shoulders, "She's just someone I met who agreed to do my test, that's all."

Fletcher leans toward him.  "I've seen the park video.  I know you were with her." 

Ben is terrified... and Fletcher knows by the videos and the look on his face he has him.

"I want to meet her and I won't take no for an answer." 

As he stares at Fletcher he thinks, "Oh.. My.. God...  What am I going to do?"

What will Ben do... Comments...

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