Chapter Eleven: Caitlin in Class

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Kyle and Sarah are looking at me, and I'm afraid I know what they want...

"We're here to warn you and ask you to come back to the ranch with us."

Ben and I look at each other and my heart sinks.

"Ben, would you and the girls let me talk to Kyle and Sarah for a moment?" He slowly gets up, puts on a fake smile and follows the girls back inside. Kelsey looks out as she slowly closes the door.

"Kyle, I know how dangerous Keller is but I feel this is where I belong. I love Ben and I can't just leave him."

"We already know you've made a new life here and that you're happy. But what if Keller gets back in control of the Special Unit. You would be his first target," Sarah says.

"I know, but I'm willing to take that chance."

Kyle stands up, "Are you willing to take the chance on Ben and your friends getting hurt? They killed my Mother and kidnaped Sheila to lure me out into the open.  They'll do anything to get to you."

I'm to the point where I'm shaking. Sarah walks over to me and sits down.

"Kyle's not trying to upset you. He's just trying to make sure you understand everything the Special Unit is capable of."

I start crying and Kyle walks over to me, gets down on one knee and takes my hand. "I'm sorry if I came on too strong Sis. I just don't want to see any of you get hurt."

After a couple minutes I calm down a little.

"I can't leave right now anyway. Ben's Professor's basically blackmailing me to do tests for him."

Kyle stands, "Oh we know... and I'm going to handle that as well."

I quickly stand up, "No you're not! I got myself into this and I'll find a way out.  Ben's future depends on me." 

"Please Caitlin, let me help," Kyle pleads.

It would be easy to let him handle my problems for me and I'm tempted to let him with Fletcher, but for Ben's sake... I just can't.

"I have to be in Ben's class tomorrow at eleven to give a demonstration of my ability to a few of his students."

Sarah looks at Kyle, then back to me, "Do you think that's a good idea?"

"I don't know, but if I did go and let everyone see I'm just a regular person, then it might make people less afraid of us."

Kyle slowly shakes his head, "I don't like it, but you have to make your own decisions. We'll meet back here tomorrow evening and talk more about this," he takes my hand. "But please, think hard about everything. I don't want to lose you Sis."

As I look up at him a little smile shows... Kyle calling me Sis always reminds me I have a real family...

We all hug one another and Kyle turns toward the door.  He sees my friends peeking out the window, smiles, and the doors open. My friends watch the doors and slowly come back outside.

"We've agreed to meet here tomorrow after everyone gets out of school," he pauses a few seconds. "From now on, take extra precautions. Don't let your guard down for even a second. These people we're talking about are very dangerous. I'm not trying to scare you, just warn you."

He looks over at Ben, "Take care of Caitlin for me tomorrow. I'm depending on you."

"I will," Ben says as they shake hands.

After Kyle and Sarah have left, we sit down in the living room. "I'm sorry... All of you may soon be in danger because of me," I shake my head. "Kyle's right.  The person he's talking about is very dangerous."

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