Chapter Ten: Suprise!

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It's been a couple of weeks since my first meeting with Professor Fletcher. I've been at the university two nights a week while he did his tests. Now he has several videos of me using my ability and has recorded a large amount of data.

"Caitlin, I want to thank you for doing this, " Fletcher says. A ray of hope hits me.  Maybe this is finally coming to an end.  "If you don't mind, I would like you to come to my class tomorrow at eleven and demonstrate your ability to a few of my advanced students."

"You have got to be kidding.  I agreed to do your tests and you have more data than you can go through in a year and now you want to show me off to the world," I shake my head. "I didn't sign up for this."

"I know you didn't, and you have that choice," he leans over the table toward me, "Just remember the consequences."

As I stare at him the table begins vibrate violently.  "Your day... is coming..." The vibrations stop as I get up and storm out.

The entrance doors fling open ahead of me as I walk out.  Ben's waiting outside to take me home and I know it's very obvious I'm upset. 

"What have I gotten myself into?" I think as I get inside his car.

He starts it up and we head out.

"Are you alright?"

Remaining silent for a moment I try to decide what to say.

"Yeah... well... no I'm not."

"I know you're angry.  What happened?"

Staring out the windshield I wipe away a tear.

"Please don't keep anything from me..." he pleads.

"It's Fletcher. He wants me to come to class tomorrow and demonstrate my ability in front his students." 

"Alright.  That's it!"  He does a u-turn and is headed back toward Fletcher. 

"Ben don't do this.  I can handle it." 

"I'm sorry, but I've waited long enough.  I'm going to put a stop to these experiments today.  He's not going to exploit you anymore." 

"Ben, you'll be flunked out.  Please, stop." I plead... but he doesn't.

"I can't let this happen."

Using my thoughts I stop the car in the middle of the road.  He turns to me and before he can say anything else I quickly lean over and we kiss. I ease back, and stare into his eyes... and it happens.

"I love you..." I whisper.

Oh my God.  I told him...  He looks a little stunned by my words.  My heart's pounding out of my chest as I wait for his reply...

A smile finally begins to show, "I love you too.  I'm sorry I haven't told you sooner.  I just couldn't get the courage to do it."

As we share another kiss we're startled by a car horn.  We turn to look, then back at each other.  Both of us laugh as Ben drives away. 

"Take me back to the apartment.  We'll talk about this when we get there."  Reluctantly, he drives me home...

Arriving at the apartment and go inside and the girls are sitting on the deck relaxing. Going outside to join them I notice the sun has just about set and the view over the park looks so peaceful.

Ben and I sit down and I notice he can't take his eyes off me. The girls look at each other and Kelsey starts to get a smile on her face.

"You told him, didn't you."

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