Ch. Two

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October 4th, 2010

Where am I? What is going on? Thoughts were playing through my head as I tried to remember what happened and why I am in this place. It doesn't seem familiar at all, nothing does, its like being thrown into another world that I have never been to. One I do not understand.

The door opened and people came piling in that I did not recognize, one hugging me tightly before they stepped back to look at me and my tense body. As my heart sped up from the panic the monitors I was hooked to began to go wild as my mind was racing to explain who these people are and why they are here hugging me like they actually know who I am.

A lady in white came rushing in and began to try to calm me but I was beginning to hyperventilate. The panic threatening to crush my body in on itself. I couldnt understand what \was going on, my chest was tightening and stopping my air flow as my body began to shake.

"I am going to have to ask everyone to step out of the room so I can calm her down before she goes into shock." She spoke with authority like she knew what she was doing and one by one they began to leave. Using a needle she put something into the IV drip that made me drowsy and relaxed and left to explain things to the strangers that were in my room.


Doctors POV

This will be so hard to explain to her parents. its hard to tell someone that their child won't remember them. Ashlynn was found on the side of the road while a yound couple was going for a walk. They saw the shivering girl passed out on the sidewalk and imediately called the police for help. The girls pulse was light and barely there and as much as they tried to wake her she couldnt be awoken. She was too weak to open her eyes and confirm she was alive. Se was brought here to the hospital by paramedic and has been in my care through her entire recovery. This is the first time she has woken up and though I am glad she is awake I am worried about the mental aspect after all she has been through. Hopefully she wilol have a full recovery and be able to go about her life as she normally would.

"Mr. Nyte this will be hard for you to hear you might want to take a seat," she waited as he shuffled to find a seat before explaining, "Your daughter has been diagnosed with a rare form of amnesia. After the accident her mind has suppressed her memories and she now remembers nothing, she won't remember friends or family or anything of the sort everything is gone. Because of the severity of her amnesia she might develop other problems as she goes. Normal cases like this the patient actually begins to have flashes of what they think are memories but aren't real. She more than likely will never remember her past."

You could see the questions rising in Mr. Nyte's mind as he took in the information that his daughter would never remember him. If he hadnt been so controlling maybe she wouldnt have left and he would still have his daughter. Atleast with her forgetting he has a fresh start to be a less controlling and more supportive parent.

Ashlynn needs support in her life. She already lost her mom when she packed up and left. Ashlynn is an only child. We tried to have more but it was not possible after her mother was found to be infertile. I guess when her mom left it tore me apart and I lost my fatherly touch but atleast I am starting to move on. I married a beautiful lady with a wonderful heart that i now have a companion but Ashlynn can have a mother figure. Its been hard lately since she has been picking up extra shifts at the hospital but I'm sure it will work its self out eventually.


Hey guys! Not sure if anyone is reading this but if there is Thanks for reading :) Please feel free to comment anything that needs changed or that the story could use more of. Constructive criticism is always welcome :)



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