Ch. Eighteen

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December 4th, 2011

Ashlynn wasn't even in the door before her mother started talking about the pregnancy. She was calling to set up a checkup with a doctor to check up on the baby’s growth and development. Ashlynn went outside to get some air so she was inside when a familiar black car pulled into the driveway. Cameron and Bryce got out and swiftly made their way towards Ashlynn.

“Ashlynn have you eaten today? You need to keep up your strength for the baby,” Ashlynn’s lighthearted laugh echoed through the quiet street. The silence was broken by Bryce putting his ear to Ashlynn’s belly and talking to her belly like the baby could actually hear him.

“You guys do know I am now referred to as uncle Bryce right? I will be its uncle, because it likes me best.”

“I have a doctor’s appointment at eight o’clock tomorrow morning, are you coming with Cameron?”

“Of course, wouldn't miss it for the world.” Cameron put his arm around Ashlynn and pulled her close leading her towards the house where it would be warmer and she would have less chance of getting sick.

Ashlynn led Cameron and Bryce to the kitchen to let her parents know they were here. Her mother was making a breakfast of eggs, bacon, and sausage. The smell alone was making her mouth water. It was a nice salty smell that warmed your stomach before you even started eating. Her dad was sitting at the table on his laptop working on something for work. He managed his own business so he is constantly busy. He doesn't do a lot of father stuff but he does keep a roof over our heads and food on the table.

“Hey mom, dad, the guys are here so we're going to go upstairs,”

“Well breakfast will be ready in about ten minutes if you guys want any,” Ashlynn was surprised they could be so nice to the guys that kidnapped her but I guess they just learned to forgive them.

Upstairs Bryce sat on her desk swaying side to side talking about how excited he would be to have a nephew. He looked so excited with his wide eyes that matched his grin.

Cameron, who was sitting beside her decided to mess with Bryce a little bit and asked what he would do if it was a girl, “Cameron, it won't be a girl because i need a nephew,”

“Yeah but this could be a girl, we don't know yet remember?”

“I want a nephew!” Bryce’s bottom lip stuck out and his eyes began to water, he looked like he might really cry. He got really mad when Ashlynn busted out laughing, “It’s not funny Ashlynn, and I really do want a nephew. having a niece would be awful, I would have to beat up a bunch of little boys for looking at her,”

“Bryce, I think you have finally cracked, we have more than  months before its even born, if it’s a girl we can surely figure something out to do about the boys,” Bryce smiled at the thought of putting all the little boys in a crate that they couldn't get to his niece in.

“Do you want a boy or a girl Cameron?” Cameron had to think about that, he didn't mind what he got, a boy would be nice to hang out with but he also wants a daughter. No matter what he just hopes its healthy and looks like Ashlynn. He made sure she knew that and kissed her on the cheek.

They laid there cuddling while Bryce went around baby proofing the room. Cameron and Ashlynn were amused so they let him go on even though they would have to redo it once the baby actually came.

After breakfast, which wasn't awkward in the least, the guys decided they wanted to go do something fun. They ended up climbing into Bryce’s car and going to the store. They walked around a baby store and ended up getting a couple baby books to read to the baby in her tummy and an actual baby book to record the pregnancy in it was yellow and green so that it could be used whether it was a boy or a girl.

“Cameron, I think if it’s a girl we should decorate her room in purple, pink is too overused,” Cameron nodded in response, “Purple is a good color but what if it’s a boy? Don't you think the color blue is overused too?”

“How about green? that color isn't used much,”

“I think you should use pink, cause that can be a boys favorite color too,”

cameron and Ashlynn both turned to Bryce with a look on their faces that surely suggested that Bryce was crazy, “I’m not so sure that is a good idea, let’s stick with green and if he turns out to like pink we can always paint his room,” Bryce walked into another store happy with the answer.

Walking into the house it was very quiet. Her parents weren't home so she had the guys stay until they did but they all three ended up falling asleep on the couch watching a movie. When her parents got home and found them they thought it was the cutest thing. They looked so relaxed and peaceful laying there that they didn't want to wake them up and so they found blankets to cover them and let them sleep on the couch.

At first Ashlynn’s dad hated the boys because of what they had done but that changed when Cameron accepted responsibility over the baby. It takes guts to stay with a teenage mom and even more to face her parents knowing that you kidnapping their daughter wasn't a secret. A normal boy would have just run from his problems but here Cameron was standing by them and fixing them.

Cameron showed how much he cared about Ashlynn in his actions, her parents had noticed this in the little amount of time they had seen them together. Cameron looked out for Ashlynn, he kept her safe. He definitely earned respect points for staying with her instead of leaving her alone last night.

A father isn't supposed to like his daughters boyfriends but of all the guys Ashlynn has hung out with he’s glad it’s Cameron’s child and not his brothers or one of Ashlynn’s other friends. They would have run and left her alone with her baby if they didn't force her into an abortion. Ashlynn may be a new parent but at least she won't be going through it alone.

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