Ch. Ten

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October 24th, 2011

Two days went by as they normally would, smoking to relax her, hanging out with Cameron, etc. She had grown to trust him more and more. By the third night after they slept on the couch he had talked her into sleeping in his room because the bed was softer and all of the warm blankets were up there.

After a day of partying Ashlynn had crashed in Cameron’s room and when she woke up she could only remember as far as the kissing but had woken up in Cameron’s bed in a state of undress that would most definitely not be acceptable. The alcohol from the party had clouded her mind and made it as hard to remember as it was to see through thick fog; nearly impossible. Throughout the next couple weeks Ashlynn began to rely on smoking to get through the day, that’s why she made what could be one of the worst decisions she will ever make.

“Hey Ashlynn you want to come with me? I have to go do some business.” Ashlynn eyed Shayne for a minute, “What kind of business?”

“I’m out of weed. I'm going to go pick some up. I have to meet my friend in about twenty minutes.” She turned to look at Cameron asking for permission. She hadn't been let out of the house very much and when she did it was with all of the guys so that they could make sure she wouldn't run.

She was almost positive that Cameron was going to tell her no, that she couldn't go because it would only be her and Shayne. Lucky for her Cameron was in a trusting mood and allowed her to go. The look on his face though, definitely told her if she messed up she wasn't going anywhere else for a long time. Grabbing a hoodie to protect against the November chill she followed Shayne out the door.

She wasn't addicted to the pot itself but the feeling of happiness she had while she was high. It was like for a short time she was careless and free. She liked not being stressed and scared all the time. Being with Cameron wasn't terrible and sometimes she really enjoyed it and wished she could like him sober.

 Ashlynn couldn't believe the strike of luck she had gotten. Being inside all the time had her feeling caged. All she could think about was how cramped the house felt. Though she normally was too high to care about anything too much she still had those days where she wasn't high enough to stop her mind from wandering to how nervous and jittery she had felt around the guys.

They didn't so much make her nervous to be around them but more she was nervous what would happen around them. Cameron was an especially big problem. She had to sleep in his room because they don't actually have another room, which she didn't mind because she could sleep on the couch in his room, but she kept waking up in various states of undress. Cameron most definitely liked her so she wouldn't put it past him to want to act on that feeling. Her only problem though, was that she couldn't remember it.

Climbing into the passenger seat of Shayne’s car Ashlynn actually felt quite calm even though she didn't hang out with Shayne much alone. Normally at least Cameron was with her. She wasn't sure what to think about being with Shayne alone so she decided not to dwell on it.

 Shayne turned the key and first filled the car with the sound of the engine purring to life before turning into a rap song that was playing just loud enough to enjoy but low enough to hear each other talk. The music was a nice change to the everyday sounds of life. The only music Ashlynn had heard for the past month was straight from the guitar she had been playing.

The car ride was short but yet seemed to stretch on forever. Ashlynn was anxious to get out but nervous also. This was her first time going with one of the guys on a deal. Normally she just smoked it and didn't worry how the guys got it.

“This is a new guy I haven't bought from, so I want you to stick close alright?” Ashlynn nodded letting Shayne know she wasn't going to do something stupid.

 Shayne pulled the car off the road and into a dark alley. Cliché but Ashlynn could see why the movies used it as the official meeting place for drug dealers, it was easy to blend. Once the car lights were turned off the black car easily blended into the dark shadows cast from the tall buildings on either side.

They sat for about ten minutes before another car pulled up and they got out. Walking towards the other car they didn't notice the other car pull up to block the entrance to the alley they had just come from.

The car they were headed for was also black but it looked more like a sports car, this guy had money. As they got close the window began to roll down. Her heart was pounding in her chest and it was getting hard to breath. The guy in the car didn't fit Ashlynn’s description of a drug dealer at all. He looked to clean. Most of the guys she met that did drugs were kind of shaggy looking and their clothes didn't always look good. This guy looked nice, in a nice car, something was up.

 Ashlynn’s thought was proven when they started heading back to the car and two figures jumped out of the darkness. One went for Shayne while one went for Ashlynn. She was panicked but shocked and couldn't move. She was frozen with fear. She was handcuffed and read her rights, she was being arrested.


Not getting any feedback.... though not many readers either lol

I hope your enjoying my book please feel free to comment


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