Chapter 3 (Wedding Bells)

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I sat beside Taylor,Jeremy and Kat" I see Josh in front of the aisle looking nervous and I see Jenna walk the aisle oh boy did she look beautiful she wore a strapless mermaid tale gown he glowed with happiness she smiled widely and tears of joy fell from her face she finally reached Josh.
The pastor said "We gather here today to join Jenna Rice and Joshua Farro in holy matrimony"
Josh said "I Joshua Neil Farro promise to love you unconditionally and take care of you as long as I shall live." "I Jenna Rice promise to love you unconditionally and to serve you as your lawfully wedded wife" the pastor said "Josh do you take Jenna as your lawfully wedded wife" "I do" and do you Jenna take Josh as your lawfully wedded husband?" "I do" "I now pronounce you as man and wife you may kiss the bride" tears fell on my face as we all stood up and clapped our hands as I saw them kiss. My heart fell on the floor but I decided to keep a happy face.

The Reception
As kids chased each other. Taylor,Zac,Jeremy and Kat gathered at a table quietly eating our meals it was roast beef with baked potatoes I stuffed my face to gather some confidence for my speech later on. The emcee now said let us welcome the happy couple Jenna and Josh Farro we all stood up and clapped our hands for the beautiful couple. The emcee said "Josh's bandmates and colleagues would like to say i few words" Jeremy wished them well and their life together and Zac shared an embarrassing story about Josh and Taylor shared a story about his friendship with Josh and wished then a happy life and now it was my turn "Well we gathered in this wonderful day to celebrate this beautiful union, I couldn't be happier for you guys I love you both and know that I will always be here for you no matter what. I can't wait to spend my life while watching you guys grow old together and have beautiful children. Have a happy honey moon. To Josh and Jenna" as we tossed are glasses I sat and whispered at Taylor's ear "Can you take me home please." He nodded and said his goodbyes to Zac,Jeremy and Kat he said "tell Josh that we're happy for him, and our deepest apologies that we left early." They nodded. Taylor stood up grabbed my hands and took me to his car.

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