Chapter 11 (Let's Be Alone Together)

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Taylor's POV:

I drove off from Hayley's and a thousand thoughts came running thru my head. Why would she say that I should ask of another girl, am I that worthless to her? Will she never see me more than a friend? Maybe I should take her advice? I finally reached my driveway I got off my car and ran inside my house I called Kat and she picked up after the second ring "Hey T,whatsup?" "I just got home man,uhhhh.... Can I speak with Cassie?" "Uhhh yeah...." She replied she screamed "Cass!!!!" And after a minute I heard a familiar voice "Hey Taylor,whatsup?" "Uhhh... Hey Cassie I was wondering if wanted to go out and get some coffee." "Really? Sure! I'd like that." "Great! What time's good for you?" "Maybe after your band practice." "Sweet! I'll see you then." "Ok,can't wait."
I put my phone down and sat myself on the couch kicked off my shoes and rested my foot on the table I took of my beanie and scratched my hair "what am I even doing."

Hayley's POV

lying on my bed while Miami Vice was tuned in to my tv I thought of why did Taylor bail on me tonight. Is he tired of me,am I not that good in bed anymore? Or am I stupid enough to think that this would work "Gosh Hayley! Why are you over analyzing things." I thought to myself my phone suddenly beeped and I reached over my side table, it was a text from Taylor. "whatsup Hayles? Sorry I had to ditch on you tonight xx" I replied "No Sweat T,I'm just watching Miami Vice,you?"

T: "you know just chilling..... Soooo.... I took your advice."
H: "what advice? Xx"
T:"you knoowww... Asking Cassie out.... Xx"
I hesitated to reply something in me felt jealous and I didn't know why. I shook my head and replied

"That's sweet T,sooo what did you have in mind?"

T:"well I just asked her out for coffee xx"
H:"casual but smart ;)"
T:"you think so?"
H: "yeaahhhhh, would you like to hang out afterwards.... xx"
T:"what do you mean by hangout?"
H:"don't flatter yourself bud. I just got a dvd of the Regular Show, I know you love that show."
T:"that's more like it! Sure thing Williams. Now go get some sleep you need your rest."
H:"alright grandpa. Goodnight xx"
T:"Goodnight missy,can't wait for tomorrow ;) xx"

I smiled at our conversation, I shouldn't be feeling this way, What is this?

Morning comes....

The bright sunshine woke me up and I smiled as I opened my eyes. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get a shower afterwards I pulled out a Captain America shirt and some blue jeans and threw on a pair of vans I quickly ran downstairs and poured myself a bowl of cereal I then texted Jeremy "Hey man,just having some breakfast and I'll be on my way." He quickly replied "sure dude. Drive safe" I finished my cereal and washed my dishes and grabbed my purse and car keys and went to my car. I opened the radio and plugged in my ipod I played "What Happened by H2O" and sang along "What happened to the passion... What happened to the music that I loved what happened to the music and the message and the art...." I sang and bopped along to songs and I felt excited to work with the guys today I reached Jeremy's and parked along the driveway,I already saw Zac,Josh and Taylor's cars and I rang the doorbell Kat answered the door and gave me a hug she said "the guys are already setting up down the basement" "thanks Kat" I replied and gave her a big smile she winked at me and said "I'll bring you guys a drink later." I smiled and went to the basement the guys already settled down and I saw Taylor talking with Cassie they were giggling and being touchy. Zac noticed me and said "oh my god! Queen Hayley is here we can finally get started." I gave him a punch to the gut and stuck my tongue out Josh said "ok ladies let's get started" we were jamming anf having an amazing time I felt like I was 13 again just hanging out with my bestfriends and played a lot of music this is what I live for. Kat then joined the party and she was rocking out and having fun I can also see Cassie starring at Taylor and Taylor gave her a wink while playing the guitar I suddenly forgot the words "I drowned out all my sense with............" Josh then said "Hayles... Are you ok..." I snapped out of my daydream and said "uhhh yeah uhhh I'm ok I just had a mental block." Kat then said "I think it's time for the sodas."

After a long break we got back to practice and we nailed every song. I said after "Ok we did great today, just a little more polishing and will be ready for our world tour in 2 weeks." Zac said "I can't wait to be on tour I just want to get out of our house and mingle with people." Josh replied "I can't wait to eat a lot of Cereal again." We all laughed Josh spoke again "Well guys I think I should head home the wife is waiting for me." I said "I gotta get going too. I have a lot of folding to do." Taylor said "Yeah we should all get going then." Jeremy replied "Ok,I'll lead you to the door." We all said our goodbyes and gave eachother hugs Jeremy said "no band practice tomorrow. Let's just chill for tomorrow." "Sounds good to me" I replied.

We all reached our cars Josh opened the door for me "have a safe travel Hayles." "Thanks Josh,you too." He gave me a hug and shut the door as I got in. I waved goodbye I fastened my seatbelt and when I look at the side mirror it was Taylor opening the door for Cassie. I totally forgot it was there date today. I wonder what they'll do tonight. I wish I was hanging out with him tonight.

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