Chapter 9 (Let The Flames Begin)

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Hayley's POV

me and Taylor are on our way to Jeremy's place and we are jamming to N'Sync's no strings attached album

"Every little thing I do never seems enough for you" Taylor and I sang our hearts out to It's Gonna Be Me. This moment I felt amazing I felt the happiest in the longest time suddenly all the pain and misery was gone nothing mattered in this moment for this brief period no pain was in my heart. Taylor made nothing matter for this moment. It's just me and him me and my bestfriend.

Taylor pulled over the driveway and he stared in to my eyes and he said "Thank you." "Why are you thanking me T?" "Nothing,just thanks for making me feel happy." I gave him a warm smile "I should be the one to thank you T. Thank you for making me feel important. You'll always be my bestfriend T." He gave me a kind smile and winked at me. He jogged over to the passenger seat of the car he opened the door for me he said "After you maam." I stuck my tongue out and fave him a wink he gave me a playful little chuckle.
I knocked at Jeremy's door and Kat opened the door she gave me and Taylor a hug "Where have you guys been? I miss you guys." Taylor answered "We've just been playing alot of Call of Duty Kat, and been writing some new material for the album." "Sounds bloody fun. If I would have known better I think you guys did more than that." I stood there completely stunned. Taylor immediately replied "you and your crazy ideas Kat." "I was just kidding,Guys." We all laughed there Kat immediately said come in the boys already set up and I made Mango Bravo cake. "Sounds delish Kat." I said we followed her to the living room and I saw Jeremy playing around with his bass and I saw Josh there tuning up his guitar suddenly all of the pain and sadness came rushing back in. He stood there so perfect so angelic he gave him a warm smile as soon as he saw me "Hey Hayles! I missed you! How are you?" Josh said "I've been great,I miss you too. So how's the married life been treating you bud?" "It's been amazing. I never thought I would be this happy." "That's great Josh! I..... You know really miss hanging out with you he grabbed my right cheek and brush my hair out "you little softy! You know we could always hang out."

Taylor's POV
I can see how her eyes lights up everytime he touches her she never looked at me like that. She's never this happy everytime I'm with her she never tells me that she misses me when I long for her touch. She'll never love me the way she loves him. Jealousy struck to my veins I wanted to punch Josh because I want to be him. Even of all the times Josh had hurt her she still fucking loves him and even if i put her in a pedestal and give her the world she'll never love me like that. I hated Josh even tho I didn't have a right. She's not mine but everytime i make love to her I have this brief moment to think that she is that will grow old together that she loves me the way I love her. I'll treasure every moment I get to touch her to be with her and every moment she begs for me and for
that brief moment she'll be mine.
How can I make her mine how will she love me back?

We played around with a couple more new ideas and we already made a new song it's called "Ain't It Fun" the band really seem to love this song it was fun and it was great. This was the 1st time in a long time that the band seem to have fun and it did not feel like we were forced to do this after that we all sat in a circle and ate cake the doorbell rang when we were all making new jokes. Jeremy stood up and said "I'll get it!" And he shouted "Kat! Your friend Cassie is here." Kat ran to the door and started jumping historically and said "Cas! I missed you so much ahhh!!!!!" They entered the door and by Kat a beautiful girl who was tall with tanned skin and long blonde her stood beside her she looked stunning "This is my bestfriend Cassie she's here to visit for a few weeks." They all greeted her and I stood there silent and she reached her hands toward me and said "Hey I'm Cassie! What's your name." I stood there and just stared at her hand and I stuttered "Uhhh I... I..... I'm T.... T.... T.... Taylor."

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