Ch 6: Fighters

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The vampire grinned and cocked his head to the side. "Say when!" He shouted up at us from the bottom layer much like a maze. It seemed nothing more than a miniature town, run down and litter everywhere.

Mr Gibson nodded at the vampire called Shane who suddenly took off running into the training area. We were standing on a balcony over looking the maze like place. When Shane took off, he moved between two small square buildings and started running down a small street like lane. He skidded around a corner and disappeared into a building. Mr Gibson waited a minute before looking at Kate, the werewolf sitting below us. "Hunt."

With that one word the red wolf took off, slipping between the buildings and heading up along the rout Shane took. We watched as she barreled in. A minute later she was out the other side and trotting along sniffing the ground. I hadn't even seen Shane move out of the building. But Kate seemed to know where she was going even with her nose to the ground. She trotted, stopped, sniffed, moved sideways, sniffed, more trotting. It looked really elegant even though she was a wolf weighing over 200 kilos.

This went on for another minute before she jumped though a glass-less window. There was a loud crash and suddenly Shane was thrown out of the small shed like house. He stood up brushing himself off. "Okay, okay," Shane laughed at Kate who was nudging him forward, her nose to his lower back. She made a loud whining sound and pushed him forward again. He stumbled but regained his balance  "You got me, you got me, no more pushing!' he grinned back at her.

"By the end of this month I expect you to be able to track, by the end of the year you must be able to do that." Mr Gibson announced. "Class dismissed!" he shouted. As we made our way back to the room the bell rang.

"Is it just me or does it seem like the teachers know when the bell is going to go?" A girl asked beside me. She was short, silky blond hair that fell just past her shoulders and she looked about fifteen.

"Yeah," I look at her and she smiles at me.

"Emily," She says kindly and picks up her books from the desk in front of mine.

"Katsa. Kat for short." I say trying to balance the books.

"Unique. I like it," she grins and we head out the door.

Me and Emily finally got to OD which was strangely in the gym. When we walked in we were met by a group of people talking. They looked about seventeen and ranged in height  and hair colour  as well as build. A lady looking in her late twenties stepped forward. "Hello class. I'm Miss Kilia. This is OD. Or, offense and defense. Today were going to start off with some basic moves and have some fun."

Half an hour later, my hair stuck to forehead and I felt ready to collapse. I strained though and walked over to Miss Kilia who had called us over after showing us some moves and getting the class to try some. "Anyone up for a practice match against one of the older students?" she asked and motioned to the group standing around, the older guys. A guy lifted his hand into the air.

"Bring it on." he says smugly.

"I'll take him," one of the older students said and motioned the kid towards the center of the room. Everyone made a semi circle around them. They faced each other, both rocking on their heels. "I'll go easy on you buddy." the older student said. He was shape-shifter I realized and then looked at the kid. Angel.

"Don't, I can take you on without you holding back. I'm going to wipe the floor with you!" the angel grinned and showed his teeth.

"Big mouth huh?" The shifter grinned. Miss Kilia started the match and the kid moved forward and lifted his hand to punch. The shifter deflected the blow easily and pushed the kid away. The angel then spun around and went for another go. The two danced rings around each other, the kid striking out, and the shifter deflecting them without breaking a sweat.

The kid dove in again going to take a tackle. The Shifter stepped to the side easily and grabbed a hold of the kid's shirt. The kid yelped and went to stick the shifter. "Matt," Miss Kilia warned easily. Matt let go of the kid making him fall to the floor. Matt then playfully kicked he kids foot.

"Better luck neck time," Matt then walked to the side. The kid stood up huffing and walked the other way and moved to the side. Mrs Kilia then looked at everyone. "How about.... Jason... versus..... you." she pointed to me. I stiffened and shook my head. She narrowed her eyes slightly and smiled. "It's for fun, nothing more. Jason wont hurt you. Whats your name?"

"Kat," I say defeated and walk to the center. Jason was standing next to Miss Kilia already.

"You'll be fine Kat," she made her way towards the circles side and looked at us in turn. "Begin"

I turned to Jason who was grinning menacingly at me and was shifting on his feet. A weird feeling swelled in my chest. I suddenly felt fearful for my life and wanted to look at Miss Kilia to know she was still there but the fear of taking my eyes of Jason made me a little scared. He now had permission to beat me up. It was only fun, but it didn't take much for an 'accident' to happen. I let out a breath as he stalked around me. Yay, fun.

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