Ch 29 Argument with Lucas

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"It's okay, you'll change when the time comes" Angel says not looking up from her book.

I groaned and collapsed on the ground next to Angel. "That's what everyone says and i havn't gotten any further" i say stiffly.

"Look" Angel placed the book down and looked at me. "There has never been a wolf who has never changed. Some just take a little longer"

I watched her for a while before looking around. We were on the oval after school, some people were running the track while a few others were stuffing around with a football. It was warm night, the breeze carrying the smell of the forest, fresh and calming. I didn't want to talk about my failed attempts of changing and looked around for something to change the topic. That's when i spotted him. Eric. He was leaning against the fence, his hair sticking up and his eyes looking playful as he talked to his friends.

I turned to Angel smiling devilishly. "Hay Angel..." I say slowly.

She looks up from the book she had once again started reading and frowned. "Whats that look mean?"

"Nothing" I grinned at her and glanced at Eric who was walking away from his friends and walking to the change rooms. I grabbed her hand and dragged her up with me and was surprised it wasn't hard to pull the Werewolf up. She grunted and told me to slow down but i only laughed and dragged her faster. "Your so slow!" i argue pulling her after me as i move towards Eric. "Hurry up!" i shout making Eric glance back.

"Kat what are you-" Angle squealed as i suddenly came to a holt and 'accidental' made her run into Eric who caught her easily.

"Oh, sorry Eric, didn't see you there" I smile and glance at Angel who was stepping back from Eric and looking at the ground, but i saw the flush that made her cheeks go pink.

"Don't worry about it" He grinned knowing something was up but was too amused to say anything about it. In other words, he was playing along. "Where were yous hurrying of too?" he raised a playful eyebrow at us and his eyes flickered to Angel who was looking away, her cheeks still pink and she was edging behind me. We both new she was trying to hide behind me.

I paused at his question. "No where important"

Eric chuckled. "Looked important when yous were bowling your way over here"

"Oh you notice that?" i say cocking my head to the side and looking at him.

He laughed and shook his head, blond hair swaying in the motion. "Not hard to notice two Wolves being reckless and ready to plow though anyone in their way"

I grinned at that and shrugged. "People should move than" i say then glance back at Angel who was glaring at me. "Well, i have to go, why don't yous-" i stepped away from Angel and gently pushed her to Eric again "-hang out?" I wink at Angel then turn to leave.

"Oh no you don't!" Angel growls. "Your staying"

Eric looked between us laughing. "Kat, i feel the love" he says jokingly and i see his eyes flicker to Angel briefly.

"I can't Angel, i have things to do, but i'm sure yous two will have a great time together" i spin around and and start walking again.

"I'm gonna kill her" i hear Angel growl.

Eric laughs and i look over my shoulder to see him looking down at her. "While, how about you do that later and we can go find something to do" he say smiling at her.

I realized i was watching them and wondered if i looked totally stalker-like. I then dismissed it and watched as Angel turned and looked up at him, her cheeks a light shade of pink and smiled shyly and said something softly. She startled me when she suddenly turned around and looked strait at me. "Stop stalking us!!!"

I laughed and scurried away, looking over my shoulder ever few seconds. When i couldn't see them anymore i just started walking normally. I was lucky no one had found out about me and Angel doing what we did earlier but i still felt jump, especially when i walked past two teachers talking over the matter. The wolf which i had been trying to let out for ages suddenly stirred wildly nearly knocking me over with surprise. I straitened and took a deep breath.

I hated when it did things like that. Suddenly someone walked around the corner looking pissed as hell. It was Lucas and and some girl i noted was a Witch. "Just go away Nikki" Lucas says though clenched teeth.

"Admit it!" 'Nikki' growls at him. "Your a traitor, all cause of...her!" she shouted at him, not really offering to anyone in particular to who 'her' was. "Do you know what your dad would say?" she says then freezes when Lucas turns on her, glaring menacingly.

"Shut up, i don't give a shit what my dad would say, i don't fucking know the basted and i don't want to, now fuck off" I wasn't sure what surprised me more, Lucas's words and how cold they were or the fact that for the first time he didn't look calm and collected. He looked ready to rip her head off then storm away, freezing everyone with his icy gaze. My wolf growled again, the sound half like a whine and half menacing.

I was glad i wasn't the one Lucas was mad at, if i was Nikki i would be pissing myself and trembling. I would have shut up the first time and ran away screaming when he got this mad. I was standing a few meters away and i felt the tension in the air, i felt the air chill as he glares, i felt the fear that was embracing my body. I was frozen to the spot, my hands shaking by my side and my eyes locked onto Lucas who was half turned away.

Nikki didn't seem fazed. Instead she let out a breath and collected herself. "Lucas, just don't do anything rash" she brushed some chestnut hair from her face. "For all of us?" she then swept past him like she was floating and then barley glanced at me as she walked past me.

I stood there for a while then looked back to Lucas who was standing where he was when talking to Nikki, his shoulders tense and his his hands fisted. He then lifted his head slightly and turned it so he was looking at me. I was suddenly unfrozen and nearly collapsed. I think it was from the relief that he didn't kill her or blow up but i was relieved. "Hay" i breathed hoping he wasn't going to blow up at me.

Lucas stood there watching me for a while then he smiled slightly. "Hay"

I relaxed then but still walked over to him carefully. I was about to ask what that was all about but then decided against it and searched for something to say. After a long tense wait i found something to say. "That fire alarm going off early was crazy wasn't it?"

Lucas seemed to relax that i didn't ask about the fight but i saw the tension in his shoulders as he motioned for us to walk. I trotted after him, keeping up with his long strides. "Yeah it was crazy" he chuckles making his steps short for me to keep up. "They said it was a false alarm, thinking maybe a wire was shorting out or something" he then paused. "Or maybe a student was playing a prank" he glanced down at me, his eyes not as cold as before.

"Hmm" i mumble looking at the path. I shivered when Lucas shifted slight, just enough for me to know something was up, but it was so brief i though maybe i had imagined it. We walked in silents for a while when Lucas suddenly stopped and caught my hands. He turned them so my palm for facing up and he looked at them, his face blank. Me hands were covered in blisters and peeling skin, they were red and raw and they stung when the wind caressed them. Then again, it hurt when anything touched them. Lucas ripped his eyes off my hands and locked my gaze with his, something dark in his eyes and my breath caught.

Lucas suddenly looked really scary.

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