Jaime Imagine

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Storyline: You're Vic and Mike's younger sister and you go on tour with PTV for a few months as their US leg photographer. Jaime develops a little crush...

Your POV;
"Vic stop moving" I say, aligning the focus of the camera.
He freezes and waits until I'm done.

"Thanks broski" I say, sitting down and going through my photos on my laptop

Vic rolls his eyes and goes back to playing Poker with the guys.

"Any good pics of me?" Tony asks, getting up and walking over.

"Yeah I actually love this one... Hold on let me find it" I mutter, and go through one of the files labeled "Tony solo" and find the most recent.
It was of him on stage, his right foot on the amp, he was looking out into the crowd.

"I look so badass" he says, and I laugh.

"You are badass" I say, and he rolls his eyes, going to the fridge.

"So we all have our own solo folder?" Tony asks, and Jaime perks up.

"Solo, two or more, and all" I say, lacking English.

"I was debating making a ship folder but I decided against it- I don't take that many pictures" I say, and the guys laugh.

"Who do you ship, miss Fuentes?" Mike asks, and I blush.

"Fuenciado of course" I say, not meaning Vic or Mike if you get what I'm saying.

"But then again Kellic is real as fuck" I say, waving Tony over and showing him my Kellic folder

"Holy shit you guys are together a lot" he says, scrolling through the pictures.

"YOU HAVE A KELLIC FOLDER?" Vic yells, throwing his cards down and turning the computer so he can see it

I slide my computer back and go back to editing the fan photos.

"Wait you like WHO?" Ashley, the merch girl yells, making me laugh and cover her mouth

"Shhhh it's a secret!" I say, and she laughs.

"Wait so when you say you ship fuenciado you mean YOU and Jaime oh my god this is the greatest thing since Kellin said Kellic is real" she says, and I jump when I see the back door open with a very confused Mike.

"You like..." He trails off and my eyes widen

"VICTOR WE HAVE A PROBLEM!" Mike yells, and throws me over his shoulder, running out of the bus

"WHERES VICTOR" Mike yells, and Kellin calls us over to their area.

"We have a problem" Mike says, setting me down.

All of SWS, their crew, Alex Gaskarth, Jack Barakat, Vic, and ATL's merch guy is there.

"No we don't" I say, brushing it off.

"(Y/N) has a crush" Mike says and I roll my eyes.

"ON WHO?" Vic yells, and Alex smirks.

"If it's who I think it is I'm going to cry from laughter because she's literally been telling us all tour" Alex says, and Jack starts freaking out

"I KNEW IT!" He shouts over and over and all of SWS is laughing.

"WHO?" Vic yells again.

"JAIME!" Jack yells.

"What about me?" Jaime asks from behind me, scaring the shit out of me.

"Uh, you know Mexican language. Gotta blast" I say, and sprint off, ignoring Vic's "older brother protective" calls.

I get back to the bus and fall into my bunk, plugging in my earbuds and getting sleep.

-2 days later-

I don't see the guys much usually, but I've seen them a lot less.

Mike and Tony are the only ones who talk to me and idk why.
Walking into the bus I freeze when I see Vic standing  in the middle of the small walkway, not letting me pass.

"Hello brother" I say, trying to get past him.

"What are you doing Friday?" He asks, and I furrow my eyes brows in confusion.

"Uh, I've got some photos to edit but they can wait, why?" I ask, and Jaime appears from behind him.

"Date?" Jaime asks, and they both strike a weird pose.

"You guys are idiots" I say, pushing past them and going to my bunk.

I close the curtain but it gets reopened and Jaime folds his arms on the edge, laying his head on his hands.

"Is that a yes?" He asks, and I roll my eyes playfully.

"Where we goin?" I ask, and he smirks.

"It's a surprise" he says, winking.

"Well how am I supposed to know what to wear?" I ask, and he smirks more.

"Shorts and a t-shirt" he says.

"Underwear, shoes?" I playfully ask and he cocks his head playfully.

"Shoes are good, underwear is up to you and how he date goes" he flirts and I hear Vic from the front lounge.

"YOU PUT ANYTHING INSIDE HER I WILL SHOVE SOMETHING INSIDE YOU" he yells and I burst out laughing, hiding my face in my pillow.

"Cool. Friday. 4:00" he says, and closes my curtain again before going to the lounge. I hear some grunts and laughs and a loud bang, then Vic slowly opens my curtain, rubbing his head.

"Sorry" he mutters.

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