Charlie Scene/Awsten Knight Imagine

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Charlie Scene and Awsten Knight Imagine


Name Request: Jayson

Storyline: ANON:: Charlie ends up finding you in a bad situation and takes you under his wing after some more shit goes down. When you're older you're allowed to go to warped tour and you meet Awsten and fall in love cliché

(A/N: I didn't know if you wanted to be anon or not so I put it as anon just to be safe lol)


-Charlie Scene's POV-

"Worthless piece of shit!" I hear someone yell, then a loud grunt and crash.

"I'm never staying in a motel again..." I whisper to myself, rolling my eyes at another crash.

"DAD STOP!" I hear a little boy yell, and my pulse runs cold.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, JAYSON!" the older man yells, and I bolt up from the bed, grabbing my phone as I run to the room next door.

"HEY OPEN UP!" I yell, banging on the door.

"Oh NOW you've done it!" The older man yells.

I holler more until I hear crying, and words that send shivers down my spine.

"You do it yourself so I'll do it to you," followed by a scream and hysteric crying.

That's all it takes for me to kick the door open, and part of me wishes I didn't.

There was a boy, maybe around 14 or 15, with an older man standing over him with a knife in his hands. The boy was clutching his wrist and there was blood staining his shirt from both his side and his arm.

"YOU FUCKER!" I yell, attacking the man.

It doesn't take long before he's out cold and I'm clutching a towel to the kids arm.

"What's your name kid?" I ask, taking out my bandana and wrapping his wrist tightly.

"J-Jayson," he softly says.

"Hey Jayson. I'm Charlie," I softly say, smiling at the kid.

The familiar red and blue colours of a police car reflect on the walls and I turn to see two cop cars and an ambulance by the motel doors.

"C'mon kid, they're gonna take care of you," I say, picking the half-conscious Jayson up and carrying him to the ambulance.


"I'll take him," I interrupt, causing both cops to look at me in a mix of shock and confusion.


"I said I'll take him."

-time skip-

-Jayson's POV-

-AGE 20-

"Hey Charlie," I say, closing the door behind me.

"Hey Jay. How was work?" he asks, popping open a beer and handing it to me, going back to his seat on the couch.

"Great! I'm on a three month break which is fucking amazing," I say, and he chuckles, taking a swig of beer.

"Three months?" he clarifies, and I nod.

"Yeah, they've got some other models for the next few months and because I've done so many shoots lately they're tired of seeing me," I joke, and he laughs.

"They better only be seeing appropriate parts of you..." he says in a warning tone, making me laugh and nod.

"Of course. You know I don't fuck with that," I say, and he nods, smiling.

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