OM&M Preference

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OM&M Preference:

ANON REQUEST: How he is after you break up;;

Austin: Horrible. You broke up during a break in tour, so he spent the entire break in a small vacation house the band bought for themselves a few years ago. None of the guys could talk to him, he was too busy staring at your picture, watching old videos with you, stalking your social media, etc. You guys got back together because you'd been together for so long, neither of you wanted to throw away the beautiful relationship you already made.

Aaron: Aaron took it hard, mostly because it was unexpected. You'd seen a news article and a ton of your friends from warped were texting you saying it was true. What'd really happened was a fan got into their tour bus and Aaron was the only one with the balls to bring them back to the front. Of course during that trip the fan had gotten a few gropes and kisses in. Thankfully you guys got back together pretty quickly because everything was just a huge misunderstanding.

Phil: Phil was shocked, to say the least. Something just clicked in you and you two started fighting a lot. One night you'd just had enough and called it off, which left him backtracking and wide eyed. Neither of you thought you'd go as far as breaking it off but you did. It seemed like you'd fallen out of love the same way you fell into it. You guys didn't get back together as a couple but are still great friends, which is what you started as anyways.

Tino: Mopey. He'd been the one to call it off because he thought you were too clingy. In reality, your ex was trying to get you back and you wanted to prove to both Tino and your ex that you were dating Tino. He took it the wrong way and for a while you were too upset to take him back, which made him all mopey and depressed. Luckily after a while you both calmed down and got back together.

Alan: Alan thought you didn't care about him enough. It was the exact opposite of Tino! You were trying to give Alan his space because you didn't want to come off as clingy, but hell did that back fire. He thought you didn't care about him at all and were tired of him. After talking to Austin about your POV, Alan called you immediately and you both talked everything through. A few tears were shed and some laughs were made, but thankfully you two got back together.

QUESTION: Is there any small quirk you guys recognize/realize about my preferences? I knowingly do it and I was wondering if any of you have caught on and just not said anything? It's really small and you probably don't but if you think of anything comment and I'll let you know if you're right?

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