Shayley Bourget Imagine

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Shayley Bourget Imagine:

Storyline: He your brotha motha fucka

-EMO AF TRIGGER WARNIN ISH god I hate trigger warnings if you don't like the imagine fuckin skip over it. You're a human you can make your own choices-


Being the little sister of Shayley Bourget has never fucking been easy.

People write fanfictions about it but in all reality it sucks.

His voice is better, his personality is better, he's better.

"Why can't you be more like Shayley?" "Can you introduce me to Shayley?" "Tell Shayley I said I love him!" "Can you give Shay my number?" "Can you sing like him?" "Did he teach you how to play guitar?" "Why isn't your band as successful as his?" "Why aren't you as successful?" "I feel bad for your parents, their son is great but their daughter sucks."

Those? Well, those would be the comments I get on a daily basis.

I'm a music producer/photographer, Shay is a music artist. We're two different people but we get treated as the same.

I'm 24 years old and I still get treated like a 10 year old whenever Shay's around.

I moved out the day after my 18th birthday, and moved down to LA where I started an internship at a studio. Now I have my own studio in the backyard of me and my best friends small house in El Cajon, California.

But none of my family sees that... they only see Shayley.

I'm fucking done.



"(Y/N)!" my aunt says, pulling me in for a hug as she opens to door to my mothers' house.

"Hey Aunt May," I smile, walking into the house.

"Shayley's not with you?" she asks, looking out the door again.

"Uhm, no? He's still on tour with his band?" I say, confused as to why she'd think he'd be with me.

"Oh," she sadly says, slightly scowling at me, "I guess you'll do."

-time skip-

"I'm thankful for my very successful son, who's currently changing lives and making himself a better person," my mom says, and I quietly take a deep breath, trying to ignore the stabbing pain in my heart.

"I, too, am thankful for my son. May he continue being the pride of this family," my dad says, and I clench my fists.

My two aunts and uncles, even my cousin, say they're thankful for having Shay in their family, then it comes to me.

"I'm thankful I parked in the street," I snap, standing up and walking out, grabbing my keys from the front table and storming out.

I see Shay and one of his friends laughing as they walk up the yard.

"(Y/N)!" shay yells, and I roll my eyes.

"Don't you fucking dare," I snap, tears pouring down my face as I push him away and jog to my car.

"(Y/N)!" Shay yells, shocked.

"GO MAKE THEM ALL HAPPY AND GET YOUR PERFECT ASS IN THERE, SHAYLEY DAYSHELL!" I yell, slamming my car door and letting out a few sobs, resting my forehead on the steering wheel before starting the car and driving home.

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