Alex Gaskarth Imagine

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Storyline: You were ATL's photographer and Alex did something really stupid so you yell at him and yeah idk where this is going i'll figure it out.


"ALEXANDER WILLIAM GASKARTH ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" Ron, the guys' tour manager yells as I walk onto the bus.

Alex was being stupid on stage. I mean... he's always stupid, but this time he was extra stupid and got seriously hurt, and now he can't sing or talk for a week.

"Ron leave him alone" I sigh, tossing Alex his meds and a water.

"NO THIS IS SERIOUS!" Ron yells, and I corral the other guys into the back lounge and close both doors. One leading to the back lounge, the other in the bunk area, so they can't hear Ron's yelling.

I mean... who want to get embarrassed in front of their brothers?

"What'd ya do that for? HE DESERVES TO GET YELLED AT IN FRONT OF THEM" Ron yells and Alex starts to say something but I slap him, shutting him up.

"Don't take your anger out on me. I've done nothing wrong" I say, glaring at him and lowering my voice.

"Well he has and we need to figure something out" Ron says, backing down.

"I mean, what were you even thinking?" Ron yells, and Alex sighs, shrugging.


I sigh and sit down across from Alex.

"We need to find another singer" Ron sighs.

"You forget we're on tour with incredible singers." I say, and Alex chuckles.

"DON'T MAKE A SOUND, GASKARTH" Ron yells, making me and Alex jump in fear.

"Gimmie a few minutes, I got this" I say, and pinch Ron's ear.

"You yell at him again i'll beat the shit out of you. He's already beating himself up about this he doesn't need your screaming at him too. That's not gonna change anything" I mutter, and Ron rolls his eyes, sighing.

"Why are you so defensive over him anyways?" Ron asks.

"Because i'm the one who saw the look on his face when he fell. I saw him hit the ground, and I was the one who was there when the doctor said no singing. You don't need to scream at him for him to know he fucked up bad" I snap, and Ron stays expressionless.

I jog off the bus and go to PTV's bus, knocking on the door.

"Aye it's (Y/N)!" Mike says, opening the door.

"How's Alex?" I hear Vic call from the back, and I walk up to the main area.

"Can't sing for a week. Is Jaime around?" I ask.

"HEY HIME!" Vic calls, and I hear a quick 'coming' from the back.

"Vic I need you too" I say, and he nods. Tony and Mike nod to each other and walk to the back, replaced by Jaime a few seconds later.

"What's up? How's Alex?" Jaime asks, drying his hair a little more.

"Not good, he can't sing for a week. He can still play guitar but he can't make any noise. I was wondering, since there's a band between your set and ATL's, if one of you would fill in for him? Ron is screaming his ear off and we only have a few hours to come up with something" I say, and they both nod.

"I'll do it. Vic doesn't need to sing two 45 minute sets for a week. I'll cover" Jaime says, and Vic nods.

"Good idea" Vic says, and I sigh in relief.

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