Jack Fowler Imagine

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Storyline: Being the assistant photographer for SWS was hell, especially when you had a major crush on Jack. I'm lowkey done doing storylines because I can't English and my brain shuts down when I write these and they sound so cheesy fml


"Hey Sam" I say, standing next to Sam, fixing my camera.

"Helloooo (Y/N)" Sam says, turning with his camera.

"Is this another not very funny guys?" I ask, and Matty Mullins laughs from behind me.

"THAT'S WHAT I SAID!" He yells and I laugh.

"Noooo, this is a 'very funny guys' episode" Sam says in his stupid voice.

"Sam seriously i'm not in the band, stop" I say, laughing and lightly shoving the camera away.

"But you play guitar!" Sam protests and Jack turns to face us.

"You play guitar?" Jack asks, and I glare at Sam.

"Yes, now smile" I say, and hold up my camera.

He smiles and I take the picture, smiling.

"Cool" I say, and go through the pictures some more.

"Really, do you play?" Jack asks, leaning against the boxes.

"A little" I say, and he whispers something un-audible.

"Hmm?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Nothing. You're gonna be on stage today, right?" He asks, and I shake my head.

"Photographers aren't aloud on stage" I say, and he rolls his eyes.

"Who cares" He says.

"I do" Sam says in his stupid voice, recording us again.

"Awe I ship it" He says and I groan.

"Enough with that shit, Sam" I say.

"Ever since you videoed us sleeping on the same couch you haven't let it go" I say, and Jack awkwardly leaves.

"Way to go, (Y/N)" Sam says, scoffing and walking away.

"What the fuck did I do?" I ask, throwing my arms up in exasperation.

"I know what you did!" Matty says from behind me, and I nearly jump out of my skin.

"Jesus Christ dude" I say, clutching my heart.

"C'mere I found something" He says, and lightly grabs my arm, pulling me away from the backstage tents.

"What is it Matty?" I ask, checking my phone.

"Perfect lighting!" He says, and I laugh, holding up my camera.

"You're lucky I know your photographer" I say, and snap a few pics while he strikes random poses.

"So what did I do wrong?" I ask, taking another picture.

"Oh! Jack likes you and you basically brushed him off" Matty says, and I slowly drop the camera from my face.

"Jack..." I say, and he laughs.

"Totally. 10,000%" He says, and see's someone behind me.

"AYE KELLIN!" Matty yells, and Kellin jogs over to us.

"Doesn't Jack like (Y/N)?" Matty asks, and Kellin groans.

"Yes oh my god he never shuts up!" Kellin says, and I snap a candid.

"How? I live on the same bus as you?" I ask, walking over and showing Matty the candid.

"Whenever you're asleep or working with Sam" Kellin says, and grabs the camera, lifting his shades to see the pic.

"Well then...?" I say, confused.

"Did he ask you to stay on stage yet?" Kellin asks, taking another sip of his Monster Drink.

"Yeah, I can't though. I can stay off stage to the side" I say, and he nods.

"Do that. Stay on the ledge" Kellin says, and Matty is snickering like a schoolgirl.

"Shutup schoolgirl" I say, and snap another candid, running off with this one.

"AYE GET BACK HERE!" Matty yells, and I laugh and find Sam, hiding behind him.

"SAVE ME!" I yell, sliding into the tent and holding onto Sam for dear life as I laugh my ass off.

"What, what happened?" Justin asks, walking away from his bass. Jesse looks up from his phone and Gabe walks over next to me.

These guys are so protective it's insane.

"I took a picture of Matty and now he's after me" I say, catching my breath.

"Why you takin pictures of my man, girl?" Tristen, Memphis May Fire's photographer, asks jokingly.

"You were MIA and he had something to tell me. I'll E-Mail you the pic's later." I say, and he nods.

Justin and Jesse had gone back to what they were doing, and Sam was still talking to Justin VanHook, but Gabe turned to me.

"What did Matty have to say?" He asks.

"Nothing too important, why?" I ask, cleaning my lens a little.

"No reason" He says.

-before the show-

I was up on the side of the stage, level with the stage. The show was about to start and I was taking pictures of the crowd.

"(Y/N)" Jack yells from behind me, grabbing my ankle.

I turn and see him below me, smiling.

"What's up, Fowler?" I ask, and Justin comes behind him, cuddling into him.

"Go on a date with me?" He asks, smiling.

Justin smirks and lays his chin on Jack's shoulder, smirking up at me.

"Uh..." I start, and see Kellin and Matty cheering from behind Jack.

"HE HAS BALLS!" Kellin screams, and I chuckle.

"Yeah" I say, smiling down at him.

"SERIOUSLY?" he yells, smiling like the Cheshire Cat.

"Yeah" I say, laughing.

He starts running around, cheering along with the rest of his band and crew.

"Losers" I mutter, going back to the crowd.

A few seconds later the crowd gets louder and I feel a pair of arms snaking around my waist.

"You're my new good luck charm" Jack says in my ear.

"Don't jinx anything" I say, and he laughs.

"How could you ever be bad luck?" He asks, and Gabe runs out on stage.

"Have fun" I say, smiling as he unwraps his arms and winks at me.

He was right

He didn't fuck up once.

Maybe I am good luck?  

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