PTV Preference 2/4

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how he gets you back;

Vic: Bein a cute and adorable fucker;

"You gonna be okay for tonight?" My best friend/roommate asks, appearing from her room wearing dressy clothes.

She was going out with her boyfriend tonight and was leaving me in my own sorrows.

"Yeah" I say, throwing another candy wrapper at the pile in the corner.

We had a small house because both of us had really successful jobs; her being a photographer and me being a model/clothes designer.

"Text me if you need anything, okay? You know I always answer" She says, and the doorbell rings, signaling her boyfriend here.

"Yep" I say, focusing on the TV while I eat more candy.

She sighs and walks out the door with her bf.

Incoming Call; Alysha Nett

"Wut" I groan into the phone, internally groaning when I get caramel stuck in my teeth.

"Hey! What's goin on with you? I thought we were meeting with Jess and Erin for drinks and dinner tonight!" Alysha says, and I hear a bunch of people talking, they must be at the restaurant.

"Change of plans on my end" I sigh, tossing the bag of candy to the end of the couch and cuddling deeper into my side.

"Well you gotta tell us, silly! What's goin on, why you so grumpy?" Alysha asks.

"Sorry, i'm just going through a rough break-up right now" I say, holding back the tears.

"Dude her and Vic broke it off" Alysha whispers to the girls, who all gasp.

"We'll be there soon" Alysha says, then hangs up.

I toss my phone next to me and cuddle into the teddy bear he gave me a few months ago.

About two months ago... he just changed. He got so caught up in the album and writing that he went a whole week without saying a word to me.

I called it off because he never paid attention to me, he didn't even notice I was in London for 5 days.

Vic Fuentes: ...what is this? *picture attached*

the picture showed the note I left him on his pillow, along with my copy of his house key and the souvenir I got him from London.


I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore. I love you but I think it's a clear choice to let us go. You've been extremely distant lately and if it were to continue any longer I don't think I would've been able to cope. I love you so so so much but I can't do this anymore. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be between us. We never talk anymore and it was too rough. I'm sorry Vic, maybe one day you can forgive me, but we're over.

I'll always love you.


I sigh and hold back the tears as I see him typing again.

Vic- Baby please don't do this. I know things have been rough lately but please don't leave me. Remember our song? 'I can't promise things wont be broken but I swear that I will never leave' Look, I know I've been distant but that's just because I've been going through some rough shit and I didn't want to hurt you. Please, just one more chance.

Me- Vic, if you were going through something you should've came to me, not pushed me away!

Vic- I know and i'm sorry. Please, i'll be more open and i'll never shut you out again.

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