Vic Fuentes Imagine PT3 (kinda?)

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Vic Imagine PT3 (kinda)

Storyline: Flashback from the 'I'm Vic Fuentes' Daughter' imagines.


"What about you? 5 Facts, go!" Jaime says.

"(Y/N), 15, play guitar and drums, kinda sing, I listen to heavy shit, and uh, um, favourite movies are Star Wars, Harry Potter, Scream, and Se7en," I quickly say.

"VIC I'M STEALING YOUR DAUGHTER!" Tony and Jaime yell at the same time.

-2 hours later-

My bedroom's pretty cool.

Average sized; bigger than my old one. There was a bed, dresser, desk, and nightstand already set up, Vic said it was the guest room beforehand.

Sighing, I plug in my earbuds and unzip my duffle bag, sliding on a sweatshirt and shorts before tossing my bags on the floor and cuddling into bed.


"I get she's happy now... but how do you think she'll be in a few days, once the initial shock is over?" Tony asks, taking a sip of his beer.

"No clue," I say, sighing.

"We all know what's gonna happen, right?" Jaime asks, chuckling.

I cock my eyebrows and he rolls his eyes.

"No disrespect, but dude put yourself in her position. She's lived her whole life in a lie... she might not completely believe this to be true. She might think you are the fuckhead her mother made you out to be. We all know how psycho that bitch is, who knows what lies are swimming through that girls head. I can promise you, one maybe two days before she gets really fucking hostile and doesn't want shit to do with us."

"She might not?" Mike suggests.

"Did you not hear a word I said? She's been living a lie, dude! How would you react if everything in your life... in fact a huge fucking thing, was changed in less than a day!" Jaime yells, and I quickly look up the staircase at her door, making sure it's still closed.

"Dude she's blasting her eardrums out right now," Jaime scoffs.

"How do you know all this shit, Preciado. Last I checked both your parents are married," Mike snaps, and I roll my eyes, taking another drink of my beer.

"They are. My friend from high school went through basically the same thing and didn't take it well at all; I'm sharing from experience," Jaime says, leaning back in his seat, taking another drink.

"So what the fuck do we do?" I snap, rubbing my temples.

"Let her go through it. Keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't get into too bad of shit. Gavin had a group of friends to keep him from doing off the deep end... she doesn't," Jaime says, and my heart clenches.

"We can't baby her, she's too old and that'll just fuel the fire," Tony says.

"She's also at the age where she can get some pretty hard shit from doing pretty easy shit," Mike says, and I groan, not liking the thought of her doing stuff like that.

"We gotta keep an eye on her, but let her do her own shit is basically what the final verdict is?" Tony clarifies, and we all nod.

"This should get interesting..."

-Your POV-

-The Next Morning-

5:18 A.M.

I get dressed into black leggings, white slip on vans, a white muscle tank with black writing on it, and brush out my straight hair before putting on a black slouchy beanie and my bracelets that I took off last night.

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