How to be brave

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So this is something that I think every single girl needs. I know its easy to just be a coward and let people walk all over you, but nobody walks over my Kitty's. So now Im going to be telling you how to be brave. Now, im an extremely brave and confident person. No im not a snob theres a difference between being a snob, and loving yourself. And if you ever want anyone to love you, you need to love yourself first. People pick up on your attitude, and that affects how they treat you. I am personally a sassy, prissy, kind, loving, smart, emo, hard booty (i don't want to cuss in this book ) girl. So because of how I present myself, people never mess with me. Seriously, I scare adults. I used to be bullied a lot, but ever since i learned how to be brave, people leave me alone. Yeah they talk about me behind my back, but for the most part they leave me alone. Once you have bravery, you practically run the school (I am not joking) Okay so enough of my tangent, heres how to be brave.

1. The first thing you should know, is that life makes you brave. Bad things that happen to you will always makes you 100 X braver than what you were. Take what life throws at you, it will benefit you in the long run. I have had my share of well..... hell (sorry, i have no other way of explaining it ) I've been through a lot and I no longer fear what comes. I take what life throws at me with a smile, because I know that I will kick its booty, and so will you. Just take life as it comes, don't fear it (life can smell fear) YOU WILL ALWAYS WIN. Remember that

2. Change your attitude. Seriously if your thinking "oh my God why me, this can not be happening, i cant do this, i don't know how im going to live through this" It will take you a lot longer to get through what ever your going through. Stop being a victim. Stuff happens to everyone. Instead, I want you to think like this " Okay this happened to me for a reason I will take it as a time to learn, This is happening so what can I do to get through it, I CAN do this, I WILL get through this and I will be a better person when all of this is over." By thinking positively, you will be braver, and get though things faster because you will be thinking of a way to solve your problems.

3. My music teacher banned the word cant from the classroom. Cant is the biggest lie since Staten told eve about the fruit. YOU CAN DO ANYTHING. Cant is a lie telling you NOT to do something. Get cant out of your life, instead I want you to say. This is a challenge, challenge accepted.

4. remember that you will get though this. Nothing is permanent. After every storm, theres a rainbow. If you just think that in a few hours, or minutes, or days this will be over, it will make you feel better. What I want you to do is say out loud that this in temporary, I will get out of this, I am smart i will find a way out, and I will be a better person after this.

5. Who matters? YOU. that is it. Don't care about what anyone else thinks. Friends teachers family, what they think does not matter (i am not telling you to go against your parents) But seriously, who's the Only person who's going to stay with you from the day your born to the day you die? YOU. All you have forever is you. Nobody else opinion matters. Be you, do you. And if someone really loves you, they love YOU. Don't try to please people who don't matter, and don't live for them. Don't worry about anyone else but you.

6.Love yourself. Im going to go in to this more in another chapter but heres the jist. If you don't love yourself, no one can love you either. And if you don't respect yourself, no one will respect you either. By loving yourself you make yourself braver because you want to take care of yourself. So go hug yourself and love yourself *hugs you cause your awesome* I want you to say right now " I matter because im here for a reason. I love myself and I want to take care of myself" No one else is going to take care of you, so love you.

7.Wear what makes you feel good. For me i wear a lot of leather and black with skulls and spikes (wow ivy way to make yourself sound scarry) But that makes me feel good. It gives me confidence, like I can run the world. I want you right now to go into your closet, try on ALL of your clothes and make two piles. The things that make you feel awesome and like you can run the world, and a pile that makes you well, not feel good. By wearing what makes you feel good, you boost your confidence and make yourself braver. Weather is like me (i know im scary looking, but I promise im nice) Or your decked out in pink and bows, wear what you feel good in.

8. Okay, so this is probably the most important part. I know it may seem mean or like im full of myself but here me out. You need the mentality like I don't care. Once you got that down, you'll be like the bravest person at school. Do you think popular girls care if you call them ugly? yeah they do but they don't show it. Instead the show that they don't care. Which can make them look heartless. But im serious, if you want to be brave you either 1. act like you don't care or 2. really don't give two ducks. The sooner you stop caring about what happens or what others think, you will be like invisible. Im not telling you to be a heartless mean female dog, no. Just don't take things too seriously. If someone calls you ugly, roll your eyes and laugh and go back to what ever you were doing (plus this makes you look cooler) Adding snarky comments will come in another chapter ( for thouse who want to be sassy)

Congrats you are now brave! Your one step closer to being the fearless kool kitty I know you are! These next few chapters will be about being a powerful women, and bravery is the first step. I consider myself to be pretty well powerful. ( i mean this as in your attitude and how you deal with stuff) And remember Powerful girls grow up to be powerful women.

Peace out Kittys, stay happy =^^=

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