What to do if a guy asks you out?

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Okay so this is something I so wish someone told me when my Ex asked me out. I have a few things that are really important for you to know, wether you have dated before or not.

1. If he asks you out, you can say NO. Just remember that you should not feel pressured to date if your not ready, or simply don't like the guy. Its OK to say no, it dosent make you look like a looser, it makes it look like you have standards. This is a good thing, you want people to know you have standards. Because dating anything that comes your way dose not make you look cool, it makes you look desperate.

2. Trust your heart. This is a big one, if you really like this guy and your heart is screaming yes yes yes, then trust it. I mean look at cinderella, she followed her heart to the prince and lived happily ever after. Im not saying you'll be like cinderella,(thats actually very unlikely..sorry) But if you follow your heart I promise you will have fun along the way. Even if cinderella didn't get the prince, she still got to go to the ball. So if your heart says yes,, go to the ball and see what happens

3. Keep your friends first. The number 1 rule in crushing is Sisters before Misters. Never let a boy come between you and your friends. And as much as I know it hurts, in reality who's really going to always be there for you. Your true friends will never leave you. And as much as it hurts, there is only a 2% chance that the boy will stay (trust me i was engaged and then got dumped)

4. Which leads me to #4. If you decide to date this guy, don't let it get too serious. Please don't start planing on getting married and having a family. Because im not saying it absolutely wont work, im a huge believer in true love and all that but take it from me. If you guys do end up breaking up, its going to hurt way more than it should.

5. Keep up your grades. This is really important and i want you to really think about this. If your grades are suffering while you are in this relationship, its time to take a break. I know that it sounds mean but trust me. My grade personally never went down because of a boy, the opposite actually... I'm really competitive. But this boy is not going to get you into college, your grades are. And this boy is not going to pay your bill's, your degree will. School comes first, always.

6. Don't let him change you. You are perfect just the way your are and no one has the right to change that. If a boy is trying to change you, he is not worth being with and is not the one. Your soul mate is out there and they will find you. And here is a huge tip for life, you will know that you've found your soulmate when you find the person you can always be with and trust, and they never once tried to change you because they truly love you for who you are.

7. Remember that people come and go for a reason. I hope that all of you find your soulmate the first time (yeah yeah I'm a hopeless romantic) But just keep in mind how unlikely that is. And thats because people lead us to our soulmates. They teach us what we like and what we don't like. What we need and what we don't need in a person. "A boy may be part of your plan, but he will never be THE plan"-Kari Kampakis

So yeah there you go kitty's those are my tips for when you decide to date. I wish I knew these things when I started to date (still Cry's at night cause of breakup) I hope that these can help in some way. But the biggest thing is, stay happy and keep dreaming Kitty's =^^= Good luck, I know that you will create your own masterpiece in life

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