Back 2 school (middle school)

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Hello all my Kitty's in middle school! This chapter is all advice for you guys! So this is bascially all that I have learned from middle school and the things I wish I knew before or during. I hope that you can find this useful and I hope you have a wonderful school year!

1. Dont be afraid of the older kids. I know that they seem kinda scary, but a lot of times they are just wanting to do thire own thing. Seriously they dont want a 6th grader to be spreading rumers about how theire all bullies. Just be nice to everyone and you'll be fine.

2. If your the older kid, try and look out for the younger ones. Seriosly like I said I get it you dont want to be botherd, But if you see a 6th grader by themselfs reach out to them. This helps so much when your in high school because remember, when you move on to 9th grade Your going to be the fresh meat. Karma always comes back and one day you just might hope that a sophmore or junior will reach out to you.

3. Bring deoderant...just do it.. begging you.

4.Balance out your life. I cannot stress this enough. I know you thing your super cool

(me in middle school) " Oh yeah im older now! Im gonna date all the hot boys and go to all the dances and be really popular and shop till I drop and get invited partys and go to every dance with my hot date and be the valintines day queen and omg omg!!!"

yeah all that is grate, but you also need to relise that middle school is school. You need to balance out your life, yeah live life and have fun but also study and make sure you get good grades.

5. Pack lunch. I know school food is gross, but girl you gotta eat. Even if its just a small salad or sandwich and water you need something. At my school personally, none of the girls ate. This is very unhealthy and can acually make you gain weight. You gotta eat something for lunch.

6. Bring a change of cloths at all times. It is not fun to start aunt flo and have bloody pants. Bring something that you can change into just in case.

7. Take time on math. I recomend using Khan acadmy. Its free and just google it and theres thousands of free math lessons. Math gets hard at this point in your life and you may need help. If you get anything less than a B on anything in math, get help on it. Seriously because if you dont learn it now it will only get harder.

8. American history is boring... I am not joking. I recomend drining some caffine before this class. Also just pass it and get it done now. Because if you get it now itll be easier in highschool and you wont have to retake it.

9. Be friends with the teachers. ( teachers pets get the best grades) shh you didnt hear it from me

10. Biology can get weird. Just be mature about it. Yes you will learn about lady and guy parts. Its no big deal get used to it. Its really fun if you can be mature about it because thats the class when you get to diesect stuff.

11. Learn MLA format now if you dont already know what it is. Next eassay you turn in with MLA format, extra points. Not joking

12. Ask questions. Anything and everything just ask. You are the futer and you need to relise that. One day you will be an amazing human being a part of all the amazing advancments in the world technology. Learn everything you can!

I hope you all have a great school year! Have fun, make friends and make the honor roll! I know you can do it! This will be a great year:D

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