Dear Ladies...

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Hello babes! So, due to some unfortunate events, a close friend of mine learned a hard lesson. And let me just start by saying, I don't care if you're young, I don't care if you think it's a one time thing, I don't care if he makes excuses, don't you ever let a boy do you wrong.

My best friend is a few years younger than me, as I know many of you are. And i'm just going to tell yall straight up right now because I love all of you.

You deserve so so so much. I know valentine's day is coming up, and I hope all of you have an amazing memorable time. But if a guy is 1. cheating on you, 2. treating you like crap, 3. or if you're just putting more effort into the relationship, HE NEED TO GO. Look, Im honest, im 16, and I know most of my readers are around 12-13

I know i'm not exactly old, and I don't know everything. I still have a long ways to go in my life, but i have been in your shoes before, and I do have experience. Right now, you're on your first, maybe second, boyfriend and you think he's perfect -_-

I know, I was there too. Between your first kiss, first dance, and well first real feelings for a guy, you're ready to defend him for everything. But i'm only going to say this once. BOYS ARE DOGS!

Right now you're dating boys, you're still young. Ha, and let me tell you they're still hounds in high school too, especially then. Once you get older, you're going to realize you don't want a boy to babysit, your going to want a man to love.

And, i'm going to break this to you as nicely as I can, but i'm frustrated with these boys taking what they want, and leaving us once loving girls broken.

But, your boyfriend now, in middle school and beginning of high school, isn't going to be there for you forever. At that age, and i'm only being honest, all boys care about is making bets.

They say, oh I bet you can't date her. I bet you can't hold her hand. I bet you can't kiss her. I bet you can't screw her.

Look honey, If you're reading this i'm sorry, I know you're a good girl. Your thinking Jeez Ivy, I would never sleep with a guy, I'm still young! But these boys get in your head. They start saying things like, oh if you love me, you would do it.

And if you don't believe me, JUST LISTEN TO THE MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


All they care about right now, is scoring with you.

And I BEG you, be careful. Don't do things you don't want to.

If a boy EVER asks you to do things, TELL YOUR PARENTS.

Im not kidding, you won't get in trouble, you will be saved. You'll be in more trouble if you do what the boys say.

At your age, I want you to be happy. And I want you to be safe.

So this chapter is kinda a preview into my next chapter. This was to teach you how boys are. Next Chapter is how to outsmart them.

Honey trust me, I've been around the block. I know what I'm talking about. Please please please read the next chapter as soon as possible. It will be Up By friday afternoon. I want you to be in control of your life.

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I love you all soooo much. Please be safe <3

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