Chapter 11 (Live or Die)

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   I swear I don't know what to do. Everything Dr. Franklin said made perfectly good sense. I fucked over and hurt so many people in my life. I used a lot of people, hurt them, had a few killed, and robbed. They always said, karma is a bitch. This bitch shol fucking my life up right now. I thought about killing myself but I don't have the guts to do it. I just want all of this shit to stop for once. I had a lot going through my head so I made a liquor store run. Look who it is, I heard someone behind me say. I turned around but I didn't recognize who he was. You don't remember me, he asked? No. I'm DJ, Keenan's homeboy. Oooh, you're the one that fucked me while I was tied up. A deal was a deal, DJ said. How you been? Really? What? You talking as if we cool or something. I'm just being polite sweetheart. You paid Keenan to fuck me while I was tied up. Paid? Baby girl I ain't never paid for some pussy. Keenan paid me to fuck you. What? Yeah, gave me 5 g's to fuck you. This not making sense to me, I said. He told me he needed you to do him a favor. The only way you was going to do the favor was if he would let you fuck me. Keenan came to me one day said he had a job for me. All he told me was he wanted me to fuck some chick and he'll pay me to do it. I asked what she looked like and he showed me a picture of you. Once I saw you, I was with it. He didn't tell me why he wanted me to fuck you or nothing. I didn't ask no questions either. He gave me $3,000 and said you paid me to fuck you. DJ started laughing. If I did pay 3 g's for some pussy, I would have fucked you way longer than I did. How close are you to Keenan? That's my brother. Brother? Yeah, that's my little brother. Ok, this shit starting to confuse me. So Perry is your big brother? How you know P? I've met him recently. I haven't talked to him since he moved to Florida. I know him and Keenan haven't talked since he turned into Priscilla. Yeah Keenan took it extremely hard when he turned into a drag. I really didn't care; I knew deep inside he was still my big brother. Do you know Keenan's wife? Yeah I haven't talked to her in years. Really since they split up a few years back. What do you know about her? I know they split because Keenan cheated with her sister. She hated Keenan every since then. She stopped talking to all of us after that. What's her name? Hold up, why you asking so many questions? You not the feds are you? No, I just wanted to know that's all. It seems like you up to something, DJ said. I just wanted to know. I thought you were trying to figure out who killed Keenan. You think his wife did it? I wouldn't put it pass her seeing how she hated him for so long. For a while I thought Perry did it. Why would you think that? Keenan made it clear he wasn't going to accept "Priscilla" Keenan use to watch Perry get beat up all the time. He wouldn't never jump in because of the life he chose. It's so many people I thought killed him. He made so many enemies, it's hard to tell who did it.

I am kind of up to something. What? Keenan has a hit out on me and I was hoping you could help me. Why would he have a hit out on you? It's a long story but I know for a fact, he wants me dead. He had a lot of people I loved killed. My husband, my daughter, my best friends, and somebody really dear to me. Perry told me his self, Keenan won't stop until im dead. Merlo told me the same thing. Merlo? My brother Merlo? That's your brother too? Yeah, Merlo the baby. How many brothers y'all got? It's 4 of us, well 5. The oldest doesn't really deal with none of us. He became this successful business man, he don't fool with his family much. Who? Darrian, he owns that night club Climax. Hold the fuck up! Darrian is Keenan's brother? Yeah, he the oldest. This shit is becoming too much for me for real. What? I've been dealing with Darrian, well not dealing with him. I've had sex with him a few times but I didn't know he was related to Keenan. He don't claim us no way so you wouldn't have never known that. So Darrian apart of the hit out? I highly doubt it, he not that type of guy at all. If he says he interested in you, you mean it. So it's Darrian, Perry, you, Keenan, then Merlo? Yep. You don't have no other siblings I should worry about? Naw, DJ said while laughing. I done fucked 3 brothers and didn't even know it. It's cool, it ain't like it was planned. It's crazy that all 3 brothers fuck the same and got big dicks.  Let me stop, I said while shaking my head. So is it something you can do to help me? I'll make a few calls, see what I can do. I really appreciate it, I said

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