Chapter 16 (Back Together)

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I'm still in shock Lakendra is alive, it's unreal to me. Seeing how we haven't seen each other in about 3 or 4 years, we decided to hang out today. Girl, it took me forever to find this place. I know, you an hour late. I still can't believe you really alive, I said. I'm just glad you ok. For so long, I thought you were dead too. At times I wish I was. Who is that blowing your phone up? This guy name Darrian, he been calling nonstop. Just answer the phone, Lakendra said. Just not ready to talk to him. Why not, what he do? He cool or whatever, the sex bomb as hell but that's all we have really. We don't have a deep connection or nothing like that. I kind of stopped talking to him after I found out he is Keenan's brother. What? Yeah, he Keenan big brother. He's nothing like Keenan tho. You sure? From what ive seen so far, he nothing like that ass. So why you dodging him? I don't know, im just unsure about a lot of things in my life right now. Remember the guy Keenan let fuck me while I was tied up? Yeah, I remember him. Well that was actually Keenan's brother too. Girl what the hell? So he been setting you up from the beginning? Yeah, the whole time we were messing around. Girl, that piece of shit is something else. I think he still alive. How is that possible? I gotta text from somebody saying, Bonnie and Clyde remember. You know Keenan was the only person that called us that. But how can he still be alive? If you set him on fire and shot him, how can he survive that? You know just like I know, Keenan ain't a normal human being. That's impossible for him to survive that. I know but this Keenan we talking about. As soon as I think he out my life, he finds a way to come back. Now I have to find a way to get his wife out my damn life. Brit suggested I kill her too. Really? You thinking about killing the biggest drug dealer in New York wife? You know how many goons will be after you if you do? You need to really think this through Crystal. If you kill her, they put 2 and 2 together, that's your ass. You said everybody you dealt with related to him in some way right? Yeah, I fucked 2 of his brothers and went out with his uncle. Ok, use that to your advantage. You on good terms with them right? Yeah. Use that shit to your advantage Crystal. You good at this kind of shit, better make the best of it. How tho? None of them gon tell me nothing really useful or snitch on somebody. If you on good terms with them, just talk to them. Level with them, use them for information, do whatever you need to do. With the Darrian dude, what kind of information can you get out of him? Not much really, he don't fool with Keenan. I doubt he knows anything about his squad. What about the stripper dude? You think he can get some information out of his sister? That won't work, he didn't even know his niece was Jayden's daughter. Keisha one of them bitches that we hate. She sneaky, conniving, and worthless. I probably can get some information from one of his brothers that's in jail. Do what you need to do. You trying to kill his wife not gon work. Get in good with the Darrian guy, go through his phone, do whatever you need to do to get some information.

This why im glad I got Lakendra back in my life. If I can get some information from somebody, I can use that to get rid of Keisha ass, ill be straight. What kind of information I need to be looking for anyway? I really don't know nothing that will run her off. What you know about her? I just know she's a ghetto bitch, she'll do anything for money, and she conniving. She had her own babydaddy killed just for money. If she that money hungry, use that. Make her an offer to make sure she doesn't bother you again. I don't think that's enough. Well, it sounds like you need to get to know her more. Get to know her weaknesses, what breaks her, what triggers her, hell get to know what turns her on. The more you know, the better advantage you have. Get the stripper dude to tell you about her. That'll be easy to do. All I really have to do is seduce him and watch him talk. So when im going to meet this new guy? Real soon, he'll be here in a few weeks. He wanted me to come out here, get settled, enjoy myself, and then he's going to come. How y'all meet? How we met was so crazy. I went back home to handle a few things. I went to the spa to relax a little and free my mind. He was giving me a massage and we were talking. He sounded so good, I had to sit up and see him. Next thing I know, we were fucking on the table. Same ol Crystal I see, Lakendra said while laughing. I didn't plan on fucking him right then and there. What the dick like? Goood! He not the normal size I go for but he can definitely work what he got. He be having me feel all type of ways. Everyday he surprising me with something or impressing me. He sounds a little too good to be true, Lakendra said. I thought the same thing when I first met him. I thought he was just one of Keenan's workers. You sure he not? Yeah, it took me some time but im sure. Well you seem happy. In a way, I am. I'm trying not to enjoy it too much tho. Whenever I get happy or start to enjoy this feeling, something always happens. I been so focused on watching my back trying to figure out what's gon happen to me next. It's hard trusting anybody at this point. It's the same as before, Lakendra said. For so long I blamed myself for what I was going through. I blamed myself for everything Keenan put me through. I knew he was a fucked up person but I kept fucking him. I crossed him thinking nothing was gon happen. I suffered so much hell because of him. You know im going to give it to you straight, you brought all of this on yourself. You knew from the beginning Keenan wasn't shit. You knew he was cheating on Jackie, you knew how spiteful he can be, and you saw the fucked up shit he did with your own eyes. In what world did you think that man was going to change or he wasn't gon turn on you? I was blinded by the dick and the money. I knew his flaws but I didn't care. I acted as if he was the best man in the world. I do have a question tho, Lakendra said. What? You said you made a deal with the judge to turn Keenan in. You wore a wire and got him to confess right? Yeah. If he confessed and got arrested, how the hell he managed to get back out? That I don't know but that's a good question. If he confessed, the police heard it, it's impossible for him to get out that easily. Damn, what Lakendra was saying made sense. Keenan confessed, I got Merlo to snitch on him so how the fuck did he get out. I wouldn't be surprised if he got cops working for him. The minute Lakendra said that, I knew exactly who could be working for him. It ain't no way in hell Keenan got out of jail that easily. It was so much fucking evidence on his ass, he should have died in jail. Keenan have to have a cop and a judge on payroll for him to get out like that. Sounds like I need to go back to New York and get some answers.

I hate I have to go back to New York, I don't wanna leave Jamaica but I know I have to. I gotta get to the bottom of this Keenan shit and get some information on Keisha ass. I know Jayson will be safe here with Brit and I can get Lakendra to check on him too. Brit I need to talk to you. What's up? I have to go back to New York. Why? I got somethings I need to take care of. Oh lord, what now? I was talking to Lakendra and she made a lot of things make sense. Like what? I wore a wire, got Keenan to confess, and police heard it. I also got his brother to snitch on him. Ok, what's your point? How did he get out after being in there for a year? Your guess just as good as mine. Keenan must have cops or a judge working for him. It ain't no way in hell somebody like him can get off that easily. So why you going back to New York? I need to get to the bottom of this and I think I know who behind this. Who? Terrell's partner, James. The officer you were going to for help? Yeah, him. He the one that helped Perry find me in the first place. So he been working for Keenan this whole time? I'm pretty sure of it. That's fucked up but I think you going back to New York only gon make matters worse. How? Every time you go back, something else happens. I know but I need to end all of this shit. I'm tied of this damn Keenan cycle drama shit. I thought it would have ended when we killed him but clearly it didn't. I got brothers and wives after me and shit. I'm tied of running and starting over. I'm going back to New York, facing everybody, and ended this shit. I'm going with you, Brit said. No, I need you to stay here with Jayson. He lost his daddy because of me, I have to make sure he good. Just take care of him and make sure he good. You know I got you, Brit said. I can't explain to him why im leaving again. When he wakes up, just tell him ill be back later today or something. Ok, call me when you make it there. I was going back to New York on a mission. I will end this fucking cycle even if it kills me. Considering who im dealing with, it might just kill my ass for real.

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