Chapter 15 (Long Lost Friend)

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  Finally made it to Jamaica! It is sooo beautiful out here. I still can't believe Ashton got us tickets out here. He coming down here in a few weeks. He wants me to enjoy myself out here before he comes. I'm assuming he wants me to fuck other people before he comes out here. Hell that's what I got out of what he said. We made it to the house Ashton got for us and it's AMAZING! He had the place furnished and everything. WOW! This place is sick, Jayson said. Have you seen the backyard? Yeah, it's a lot we can put back there. I love out here already. Since the place was already fixed up, we decided to check out the scenery. We went to the largest mall in Jamaica. It's over 200 stores in this mall. This is the perfect place for me. Crystal? I turned around and it was Lakendra. Yes, my best friend Kendra. KENDRA! We held each other so tight. I thought you were dead? That's what they wanted you to think. I couldn't believe my best friend was alive and standing in front of me. I didn't even know what to say, I just stood there with tears in my eyes. You haven't changed a bit, Kendra said. Neither have you, I haven't seen you since I was in jail. Jail, Jayson said. I'm sorry, Kendra this is Brit and my son Jayson. Son? Step son but I consider him my real son. It looks like y'all have some catching up to do. Me and Jayson will walk around for a minute, Brit said. Thank you Brit. What's been going on with you? Girllll, so much has happened to me. Before we get into all of that, how you been? I been ok, living life out here. What you doing out here anyway? While you were in jail, Keenan's goons broke in my house one night. They kidnapped me and took me to some warehouse. I was there for days after my son died. Why? Keenan being Keenan, wanted you to think I was dead. He made me come out here and never come back to New York. He said if I came back or called you, he was going to kill me and you. I know his ass will do it if I did. It hurt me like hell to be out here and not knowing rather you were ok or not. I knew if I would have reached out to you, our deaths would have been on my hands. All this time I thought you were dead. I had somebody else ashes sitting in my house for nothing. What's been going on with you? I didn't even know where to begin. Start when you got out of jail.

Jayden picked me up from jail, spoiled me the whole night. The next day, I went to your house. When I got there, it was police and shit everywhere. I ran up the driveway and the police told me you were found dead. I couldn't go in to see you or nothing. It was so hard for me knowing, well thinking you was gone too. I knew Keenan ass was behind it but I just couldn't prove it. I made a deal with the judge to set Keenan up so that I could be free. I came up with a plan to set him up. I wore a wire and got him to confess to everything. As soon as he confessed, police arrested his ass. I went to sit with my mama and her tombstone was gone. What? Yeah, nobody knew what happened. I went to her house, everything that I cherished was gone. I knew it was only 2 people in this world that knew her stuff meant the world to me. That was you and Keenan. I knew Keenan had something to do with it in some kind of way. I went back to the house a couple of hours later and I noticed somebody had broken in. I pulled my gun out and walked in. I saw a homeless man sitting there. He looked up and it was my father. WHAT! Yes, I haven't seen him since he killed my mama. Did he recognize you? Yeah, he called me CeCe. Wow, he haven't called you that since you were little. He said he was sorry for what he did or whatever. Then he confessed that he was paid to steal my mama stuff. Let me guess, Keenan? Hell yeah, I was furious. Before I knew it, I shot him. OMG! The rage just took over my body, I couldn't control it. I stood over him and watched him struggle to breath. He said he was sorry and I said I wasn't. Then I shot him in the head. DAMN! I left him in my mama house just like he left her there dead. You remember Terrell right? The cop? Yeah, I told him about it. Are you serious? You could have gotten in some deep trouble. I know but I didn't. He actually helped me get rid of his body and everything. A little after that, things were really good for me. Me and Jayden was still seeing each other. I met this stripped named Q, he was so sexy. How was the dick? AMAZING! Jayden proposed to me in the most romantic way ever. The next day, he was killed in a car accident. WHAT! That shit crushed me for real. That's how I met Brit, she designed my wedding dress. Later that year, I found out I had AIDS. WHAT! Yeah, I got it from the stripper. Are you serious? You know I wouldn't lie about something like that. Did the stripper know he gave you AIDS? Yeah, he was paid to give it to me. Let me guess, Keenan again? Yeah and he was the one that killed Jayden. Crystal you can't be fucking serious. Sometime had passed and things were ok for me. After finding out I had AIDS, I sunk into this dark depression. I didn't talk to nobody, didn't leave the house, none of that. For a while, I wanted to kill myself. Keenan made my life pure hell. I had this amazing doctor who really helped me through all of this. When I first found out, I told him to create something to cure AIDS. We had gone on a date before I found out. He was telling me he wanted to do something to change the world and make a difference in people lives. So I told him to create a cure that will save a lot of lives. He thought I was crazy at first but he actually took my advice. He created a cure and I am AIDS free. That's great! I went 11 months with no dick Kendra. Damn, that's the longest you have ever gone without no dick. It was the worst 11 months of my life. Fucking a dildo every night, wasn't cool at all. Once I was cured, I celebrated by getting some dick. I'm sure you did, Lakendra said while laughing. I ended up losing Terrell. What? Yeah, he was killed in a drive by shooting. Let me guess, Keenan yet again. Yeah, he got his brother to kill him. Girl, that man just ugh! Losing Terrell was so difficult for me. He was all I had left and he helped me through so much. Once I found out Keenan was behind everything, I was beyond furious. He took so many people that I really cared about. At the time, Brit was dating Keenan. WHAT! She didn't know we knew each other. He didn't mention me and I didn't mention him. I knew I could use her to get revenge on his ass. I didn't tell her I knew him or we messed around. I waited until the time was right. Once I told her everything he did to me, she was just as furious as I was. I came up with a plan and she was down for it. Oh lord, what you do?

You remember Jordan's old house he never used? Yeah, I remember. I asked him if I could use it or whatever. He gave me the keys and it was on from there. Brit and Keenan went out to dinner. While they were at dinner, I was at the house getting everything ready. When they got there, Brit tied him up to a chair and blind folded him. I like where this is going, Lakendra said. Once she took the blind fold off him, I was sitting right in front of him. I gave him the chance to admit to everything before I did anything. He didn't wanna admit to nothing and he acted like it was a game. So I sat his leg on fire and watched him scream in pain. Ohhhhh! I did it over and over again. I don't know what he said to me but I lost it. I sat him on fire, shot his ass, and walked out. OMG! Yesss bitch! It felt damn good to know I finally ended this game with his ass. Well I thought I did. What now? I met this guy name Jaylen, we hit it off real good. I ended up pregnant and we got married. OMG! We had a little girl name Morgan Lakendra. Awwww, you kept your promise. I moved to Florida after we killed Keenan to be with Jaylen. A couple of months ago, I went back to New York to handle a few things. While I was out there, I met this incredible guy name Ashton. I'll get back to that in minute, anyway. While I was in New York, my house caught on fire. Jaylen and Morgan didn't make it out the house in time. Crystal, are you serious? Yeah, it was extremely hard for me. I know I dealt with a lot of deaths but losing my husband and my daughter was too much for me. I was completely numb but still hurt. The person that burned my house down was a guy that use to do my hair. Why would he do that? It turned out to be Keenan's brother. Are you kidding me? Damn near everybody I dealt with at some point is related to Keenan in some kind of way. You just can't get him out your life for shit. Now I got his wife in my damn life. WIFE! He married Jackie? I forgot about that, I had her ass killed. WHAT! Girl, when all that shit was happening to me I thought it was her. Keenan's wife is the stripper dude's sister. Wait, what? So the stripper was in on it too? No, he didn't have nothing to do with it. Keenan and his wife been married for like 10 11 years now. He cheated with her sister a few years ago, her sister is Jackie. Girl this some crazy shit. Who you telling? The wife is actually Jayden's babymama. When Jayden died, she wanted custody of their daughter which Jayden had full custody. Jayden had millions in her saving account. If something was to happen to him, the babymama would have access to her account. Only reason why she wanted full custody of her was to have access to her account. She used that money to pay one of Keenan's brother to take the fall for all the shit she did. What? She was the one that had everybody in my life killed. She paid him to take the blame for it. Girllll, this is too much for me honey. I'm done talking about that drama. Let me tell you about the new guy.

His name his Ashton, he is soooo incredible. He does so much for me and we not even together. He's so sweet and thoughtful, he really good to me. He does so much for the community, that's why I like him. At first I thought he was one of Keenan's workers but he not. Are you in love? Something like that, I said while blushing. He's flying out here in a few weeks so you'll get to meet him. I still can't believe you're not dead. It's crazy you ended up here with me. Girl I needed to get far away from New York as possible. I told Ashton I always wanted to come out here. He got us tickets, got a house, furnished it, and everything. He seems like a good guy, Lakendra said. He really is, I can't wait til he come out here. While I was talking to Lakendra, Darrian texted. He been blowing me up since I ran out the club the other night. I still haven't told him why tho. I'm just trying to limit who I talk to and who I confide in. I know Darrian is nothing like Keenan but he still related to him. Yeah he's different but he could still have some of Keenan's flaws deep down inside of him. I don't wanna take no chances on making my life more fucked up than it already is.

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