Chapter 12 (Forest Fuck)

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I'm not even surprised Maxx is related to Keenan too. It's like everybody I dealt with is related to his ass some kind of way. I wouldn't have never thought a piece of shit like Keenan would be related to a guy like Maxx. I'm so mentally drained from all of this shit. I got a text from Ashton asking me to meet him somewhere. I didn't recognize the address so I didn't know where I was going. It took me 2 hours to get to the address. When I made it, my ass was in the woods. What the hell? Hey beautiful, how are you? I'm wondering what the hell im doing here. I wanted to do something special for you to help clear your mind and stuff. So you bring me to the woods? I wanted to take you out your comfort zone and do something different. I used to come out here all the time when I was younger. Whenever I want to get away from my everyday life, I come out here. It's actually nice out here. You haven't seen the best part yet. We walked for about 15 minutes, I was tied as shit. This is the best part, Ashton said while looking up. We were standing in front of this huge tree house. What's this? My special place, come up. This got to be the best looking tree house I ever seen. Wow! I know right, I love it out here. It took me 15 years to build this the way I imagined. You built this? Yep, been building it since I was 7 years old. The tree house was like a cabin. It had bean bag chairs, a cooler, a futon, and pictures. This is really nice, I said. How many girls you bring here? None, you the first to ever see it. Don't I feel special, I said. Want something to drink? Sure. You don't have to be nervous, you can sit down. I just didn't want to move too much on it. It's safe to move around I promise. You look beautiful by the way, Ashton said. Thank you! Ashton sat next to me and put his hand on my thigh. What you got planned for the day? Hopefully spending the day with you, Ashton said. I think I can make that happen. I just wanted to clear my head from all this hit out shit. I got on top of Ashton and started kissing him. It felt so fucking good to feel his soft lips. With everything going on, I so needed this right now. In the middle of us kissing, my phone started ringing. I ignored it and kept kissing Ashton. My phone started ringing again. I looked and it was Jayson. Hold on, I have to get this.

Hey son! Hey, how are you? I'm ok and you? I'm ok, I miss you. I know, I miss you too. When am I coming out there? Me and Brit felt it was best if you stayed with her for now. Why? It's a lot going on right now and I don't want you getting near it. Like what? It's hard to explain right now but I will explain it to you when you get older. Is it about Keenan? What you know about him? I heard Brit and grandma talking. What they were saying? Brit was just saying how you were dealing with him and how he wasn't a good man. What else they say? That's all I really heard, Jayson said. I'm trying to take care of some things first and then you can come out here. I keep having these dreams, Jayson said. What kind of dreams? Dreams where im playing football with dad and teaching Morgan how to tie her shoes. How often you have these dreams? Every night, really every time I close my eyes. These dreams driving me crazy ma. I know, I went through the same thing when my mother died. I did too when my mother first died, Jayson said. As soon as I get everything situated, ill come get you. Grandma suggested I see a therapist; I don't think I need one tho. It might be helpful. I'll think about it; I don't want to feel like a freak or something. Just because you see a therapist doesn't make you a freak. I just don't want everybody thinking im crazy or something. Won't nobody think that, I see a therapist too. Is it helpful? It really is, I think you should try it. Ok I will. How you doing in school? I'm doing good, I got all A's. As usual, im proud of you. Meghan been real nice to me since dad and Morgan died. She brings me cupcakes after every game rather we win or lose. Awww, how sweet. I don't eat them all, I share them with the team. Our homecoming dance coming up and I plan on asking her. Oh, im nominated for homecoming king too. Look at you, I said. Is Meghan nominated for homecoming queen? No, im hoping Ariel don't win. The homecoming king and queen gets to sit on a thrown and we have to dance. I don't want to dance Ariel. That's the girl that stalks you right? Yeah that's her. If she wins, you will be nice and a gentleman. I know, im just hoping someone else wins. I have to go; I have to get back to practice. Ok, I will call you later.

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