one by one

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It was understood that I had to get out of the situation that I was currently in. Alone I stood in the attic of the small house, well , I wasn't exactly alone. Three dead bodies stuffed in a big old wooden box laid before me. Flies went from one to the other.

As a child I never thought that my life would ever come to this. I expected a husband and two children to live happily with. I wished for my mother to be there on my wedding day and my father to be happy again. I wanted my brothers to be my neighbors and best friends.

But that was just a little girl with broken hopes and dreams.

Now I stand here with three dead bodies. A tear stained face. And a broken heart. All my brothers stuffed in a box laid before me. My legs felt like jello underneath me. My arms shaking from fright and my chest heavy from sadness.

I heard the new truck pull up into our driveway. Anger quickly arose to my head and heart and I left the attic and ran to the kitchen. I knew where he kept the butcher knife and I quickly opened the cabinet and lefted it up. It felt heavy at first but it grew light as I made my way to the front entrance hall way. I stood away from the opening but close enough to kill him.

I held my breath as I heard the door knob click open and click close. I gripped the handle of the knife and got ready.

"Hello gorgeous"

His voice seemed almost fake-unreal.

"Babe , I know you're there." His voice was closer so I quickly his the knife in the vase behind me. I rubbed my teras away and stepped out in from of him.

"Hey beautiful-what's wrong?" He noticed my red puffy eyes and pulled me into his arms. Everything felt different. The way he hugged me , the way he smelled, and the way he made me feel. It was all so different.

"Nothing, I stubbed my toe against the table a few minutes ago"I explained. It seemed as If he didn't believe me but didn't care to figure out what was really wrong.

"How about we sit on the couch and watch a movie" he said as he stood over the couch and fixed his hair.

"Okay" I pushed out forcing a smile

"Alright I'll be back I'm gonna go change into something more comfortable."

That was seven hours ago.
I was still in the house but I cleaned everything up. I stuck his body in the attic. I knew I would need to find a new place for him because the house would soon smell from the decaying body. I had already buried my brothers in the back yard and placed stones to mark their graves.

I'm sitting at my kitchen table drinking my coffee and watching the news. Maybe later on today I'll go to the store to get a new phoneand maybe some new clothes. I'll even go get a new haircut.

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