just one day, please

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We sat in a living room of the first house we stayed at. Luke had locked the boys up in their rooms. I was told to stay seated on the couch while luke took a shower. I was so scared. I Told my self I needed to get out of this place before something else happened. I wanted to see my brothers again. I was going through memories of me and my brothers until I heard a door bell ring. I stood up to answer the door but someone behind me yanked me into a closet.

"Becca I'm so sorry, but stay in here until they leave, okay?" Luke pleaded. I nodded and he closed the door making sure to lock it. I heard the front door open.

"She isn't ready" luke said.

"What do you mean she isn't ready?" I harsher voice asked.

"She is still 17 she turns 18 in a month so please just wait another month" Luke begged.

Are they talking about me

"You said she would be ready this month!" A different voice asked, a very low one.

"Well I haven't had the chance to take it yet, the other boys are trying to and we all know what will happen if they did that" luke said. I heard murmers then the door close. Footsteps lead to the closet.

"Come on becca, let's watch a movie" luke said holding my hand and leading me to the couch.

"Who were they?" I asked him. He just drugged his shoulders and said not to worry about it.

I didn't snuggle with him like I used to, still being angry at him for, well, everything. I could tell the he noticed because he was trying to pull me closer to him but I wouldn't budge.

"Becca, please I just want to have one good day with you. Tomorrow you can be as angry as you want, but please today lets just pretend like we are a normal couple who met in high school or something, okay?" He held my chin in his hand.

"Just one day, please" he seemed so sad and as much as I will regret it I agreed. I let him hold me like he used to. He kissed my forehead making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I couldn't help but smile when I saw him blushing. He was so adorable. I just wish I could understand him more.

We watched spongebob for a while until we both dozed off. I woke up around I think 9 pm according to the TV. He was so hot when he slept. I didn't twant to disturb him so I slowly got off of him and turned the TV to a different channel. I almost passed out again until I heard Luke wake up.

"What are you doing up baby?" He asked sleeply. He rubbed his eyes and wrapped his arms around my waist while laying his head on my side.

"Oh I just woke up" I replied, playing with his hair. He took the controls and turned off the TV.

"He, I was watching that" I snapped at him. He laughed at me and said I was adorable when angry. I scoffed at him.

"How is it that you are just so comfortable?" He asked me, looking back up at me.

"Haha I'm really not that comfortable" I laughed at him. I don't what it is about this boy but he just get a in my head and makes me fall in love with him. Maybe it was his dreamy eyes?

"Well I think we should go get comfortable." He sat up and led me upstairs by hand. He stopped at the door way and kissed my forehead.

"I love you too" I whispered. Surprised by own words. He looked up at me excitedly and gave me the sweetest hug and kissed me on the lips making me smile over the beautiful moment.

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