Chapter 6

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Laci's POV

"Tay is that you? Your scaring me."

I said as i heard some one make a slap noise in the stall in the back corner of the girls restroom.

"Taylor, please stop. I know your in here."

I heard the stall door open and out walked Nicholas. I screamed as he pulled out his swichblade and started to slowly and creepliy walk towards me.

"Well, Well, Well. Look who we have here. Laci and Taylor. Looks like those two boys couldnt even keep ya for five god damn minutes. Those stupid mother fuckers have no brains if they think they can take you two away from me."

I ran out of the bathroom and right into Louis.

"Louis he is in there. He has Taylor. Please help. He has his knife. He is going to kill all of us."

"Slow down laci. What do you mean "He" ha Taylor.?"

"Nicholas. Our kidnapper is in the girls reastroom and has Tay with him. He said you two cant take us aaway from him.

Louis looked at Harry and then back at me and then at the small store right in front of us.

He darted inside and went straight into the girls room, while me and Harry went up to the lady at the front counter. He explained everything to her while i dialled 911 on my phone and explained everything to them.

We heard a bunch of banging noises coming from the bathroom. Then Nick came flying out and ran out the door and into his car. without looking back he sped off onto a street and was gone before a minutes end.

"Where's Taylor?" i cried to Harry while we ran to the restroom. We opened the door and found Louis on the floor with a bloody face. They must have been in a fist fight. I went back to the stall Nick was in and found Taylor on the floor with her pants down crying. I helped her up and also helped with her pants. Harry was helping Louis.

We left the store and started driving down the road which will soon lead to Harry and Louis' house. We heard police sirens and we saw three black police cars flying up the road and pulling in to the store's parking lot.

"I guess we should have stayed there." Louis said while he kept driving.

Harry nodded his head but didnt reply to his friend. I looked over at Taylor and noticed she was asleep. Im glad she wasnt hurt bad, seeings how he had his knife with him. He could have killed her and Louis. Speaking of Louis, he is soooo damn attractive. Im actually happy he saved me and taylor. I also have to give some credit to harry as well.

I feel like i am progressing feelings for Louis. He is 20, so he is about my age. I asked him while we were getting some potato chips. I did catch him staring at me while we were paying for out things. He is so brave. for even going inthere and fighting Nick while Nick was armed.

Taylor slowly moves and tilts her head up and looks at me with sad eyes. I feel so sorry for her. This  shouldnt have happened at all. I didnt even see nicks car pull in or him walking in and going inside the girls reatroom.


Taylor's POV

I ached with pain. I noticed we were still in the boy's car. We were probably going to there house.I looked at laci and she gave me a 'sorry' look back.

I looked up to the rearview mirror and noticed louis face was gaining bruises and had cuts all down the side of his jaw.

i also glanced at harry through the side view mirror on the passanger side and noticed he was staring at me. I could feel my face getting hot as he quickly looked away.

I like harry. He is sweet and generous. He is really cute and i wouldnt mind getting to know him some more. All i know is he is in a world famous boyband, called One Direction. He is 19 and he was originally from Holmes Chapel in Chesire. He is only a year older than me so its not like he is some creep creeping on some little girl.

For some odd reason i keep getting crazy butterflys in my stomach even thinking about Harry. Could i possibly like him. Truth is, i kind of do.


Harry's POV

Wow i am busted. I got caught staring at Taylor loser. She probably thinks im a total creep. She is so gorgeous.To be honest, i think im started to like her.

We arrive at me and Louis house a few miutes later. Wow time flys when your thinking of a perfect girl sitting right behind you.

We get out, even the two girls, and walk into the warm house. They just stand there awkwardly.

"you guys can just make your selves at home. The living room is just right through this doorway, the kitchen is right there and if you feel the need to take a nap or something, just go up the steps and there should be four doors in the hallway. Three of them are the bedrooms, two of which are me and Haryy's and the last one is the bathroom. If you guys are hungry feel free to roam the pantries and fridge. Ill be in the living room and Harry will be where ever." Lou said while pointing and explaining where everything is.

I seen laci go into the kitchen and then proceeed to watch Taylor walk up stairs to most likely go to the bathroom since she was disturbed by Nick at the restroom in the small store up the street.

I waited about five minutes then decided to go take a nap my self since i was pretty worn out from today even though its only 1:30 pm

I walk in the door of my bedroom only to find taylor sitting on the edge of the bed. The creaking of the door most have scared her since she jumped. She looked at me and looked back at the ground. I sat next to her.

"Im sorry about everything that has happened to you. None of this should have happened to such a pretty girl like you." i said hoping to cheer her up. She just nodded.

"I never thought anything like this would happen to me and Laci. Erm thanks for umm saving us i guess."

I looked at her as she looked at me.

"No problem. Anything for you." I said as i started leaning in. Our noses brushed against eachothers and i could feel her breath hitting my lipe and i slowly and gently kissed her lips.She didnt back away which i was surprised by, but she kissed back which was great. this shock of energy went through my body and our hands touched eachothers.

This day has been so bad yet something so great came out o it. I will remeber this day for the rest of my life.

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