Chapter 19

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"My best friend is having a party to celebrate his birthday this evening. You can come with if you want to?" Zayn suggests over the phone while I remain in bed.

Today is my day off and I wanted to sleep in but unfortunately, Zayn called me which interrupted my sleep however, I don't mind because it is Zayn after all.


Anything to keep my mind off dad.

"Great. I'll pick you up at 4:30?" "Okay. See you later."

"Yeah, can't wait." I hang up and throw my phone on the empty side of the bed.

I have so much going on in my mind.

First of all, my father is dying.

Secondly, Daniel is back and he kissed me last night in the same room that my boyfriend and best friend was in.

It is just too much for me and Zayn thinks everything is fine but really there was a lot happening and I know that at one point, I will break.

I get out of my bed and decide to tell my mother. She is a great listener and I really need someone to talk with. I know she won't say anything to anyone but I also need to get this off my chest, so that I can feel less guilty.

Entering her room, mum lies in bed while reading a magazine.

"Morning Ali." She looks up from her magazine and I sit down next to her on dads' side of the bed.

"Mum, I need to talk to you and you must not tell Clare and Zayn. Especially Zayn." Mum places the magazine down on her lap and a frown appears on her face.


"Daniel is back." "Really?" She gapes, surprised by my statement and I nod. "I bumped into him the other day and he wanted me back but yesterday, I just couldn't bear with what he did mum. It's wrong."

"What's wrong? What did he do?" "He kissed me when Zayn wasn't looking but I didn't kiss him back. I pushed him away but mum, it's wrong. It feels like I betrayed Zayn."

It makes me guilty because Zayn is trying to be the best for me and here I am, not taking him seriously.

"Alison, you have to sort this out before Zayn finds out. If he finds out himself, he will be furious and it's going to turn out worse."

She is right. I need to sort this out before Zayn finds out. I know Zayn is jealous person and he even admit it himself. Not only that, but he made several promises.

"He promised he would not be unfaithful and out of all people, I am the one being unfaithful. I didn't kiss him back and it meant nothing, but it's so wrong." I mutter in disbelief.

"This is a tricky situation, but you need to lay all your cards on the table Alison. Don't leave this waiting. Do this as soon as possible."

"Thank you. Mum, I'm going to visit dad. Do you want to go with?" "I will go later." She smiles. "Okay. Thank you."

I walk back into my room, got dressed and left the house to go to the hospital.

¤ ¤ ¤

I arrive at the hospital and I knew the way to dad's room well even though I have been visiting him for two days.

Entering the room, dad was still in the bed, asleep and I sit down on a chair, across from him.

"Ali, is that you?" His voice comes at as a whisper. "Yes." I place my hand on his and his eyes slowly open to look at me.

Once my dad had his full attention on me, I noticed that his eyes wasn't bright blue like mine is usually.

"You know you don't have to visit me every day you. A visit from you every second day will be just fine."

"No. I want to visit you every day. How are you feeling?" I say reassuringly. "I'm having a bit of pain but I'm coping. What about you Ali? How is Zayn? When am I going to meet him?" Immediately, I looked down to my fingers.

It's still difficult to tell Zayn about my dad. I am not prolonging it or I don't want to tell him. I was planning to but right now I just can't bring myself to it.

"Uh... he is fine. I haven't told him what happened to you." "Oh I see. It would nice to meet him and your mother says he is such a nice person. She likes him." "Yeah." My voice comes out as a whisper and I feel my dad squeezing my hand in reassurance.

"You are a strong girl. You can bring yourself to tell him because I know you will need a special someone to comfort you and not your family or Clare, Zayn."

After talking with my dad for another thirty minutes, I finally came home. "I'm upstairs!" Mum shouts out. I walk upstairs and went to her room to see her still lying in bed, reading.

"So, what did dad say?" She asks as I take my seat next to her once again. "He is okay but he is in pain." I murmur and she looks away from me. Immediately I can see the sadness on her face.

"And uh what else?" She finally speaks after a couple minutes of silence. "He says that he would like to meet Zayn before dad uh-" "Don't say it. I know." Mum interjects, shaking her head.

Mum hates it when someone speaks about dad passing on as its just reminder that it was going to happen very soon.

I don't blame mum. Who likes to be constantly reminded that your husband is going to be six feet under soon?

A knock on the door breaks the silence that was in my mother's room. Immediately, I went downstairs and opened the door to see Zayn standing outside.

Looking at the antique clock on the table amongst the different photos and ornaments, the time only reads 2:30 PM.

"Afternoon gorgeous." He kisses me against my cheek and walks inside. "What are you doing here?" "Oh. I'm sorry. Am I not welcomed?" He opens the door dramatically and I quickly grab his arm.

"No! Please don't leave!" I chuckle. He closes the door and wraps his arms around me. While I hug him, I hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Alison, who is-" She trails off once she sees Zayn. "Afternoon Mrs Brooks." Zayn greets and my Mum gave me that 'Don't-forget-to-tell-him-what-he-did-before-it-blows-up' look.

Thanks mum. You just are making me guiltier than I am already.

"Well, this is a surprise. Do you want coffee or anything else?" She suggests. "Yeah, that will be nice. Thank you." "I'm going to get ready." I say and he waves me off.

I head upstairs to a shower and it felt great letting the water drops falling onto my skin.

It felt like it washed my worries away but after getting out of the shower, it all came back.

I get dressed and went downstairs into the kitchen where mum and Zayn were talking to each other. Zayn looks up at me and smiles momentarily.

"I'm ready." "You know it's only three but we can just do something." Zayn gets up from his chair and looks at my mum. "Thank you Mrs Brooks." "It's a pleasure Zayn and call me Lisa please." Mum smiles at him and I briefly hug my mum goodbye.

"Bye mum. I'll see you later."

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