Chapter 10

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"What!" I smack Jay in his face and he steps away from me, clutching his cheek.

"Fucķ off!"

I am really angry and the fact that I just swore, says a lot. Believe me, I seldom swear.

"Feisty hey." Jay chuckles and someone comes out of the coffee shop. Zayn steps out and relief washes over me.

"What is going on here?" Jay starts laughing and Zayn looked at me with worry.

"Did he hurt you?"

"No." Jay answers the question instead of me. "She didn't want to kiss me so; she smacked me in my face."

Zayn looks furious like he is going to kill someone. His neck vein looks like it is about to burst any second, his jaw tightly clenched. He pushes him against the wall, roughly.

"You disgust me so much. You have no idea. When I told you not to do anything, you go ahead and do it. I'm getting fuckíng tired of you and your shít." Jay smirks. "You're such an idiot Zayn."

Zayn wraps one of his hands around Jay's neck and one on his shoulder. Jay started gasping for air and I bite my lip nervously.

"If you ever touch her again I swear to god you going to fuckíng regret it." He hisses. I begin to get scared.

What if Zayn suffocates him so badly that he loses conscious?!

"Zayn, let him go. He is not worth it." I beg, noticing some people starting to stare at this commotion.

"Okay. Okay. You can let me go now!" Jay pleads. Zayn let Jay go and pushes him away. Jay placed his hand on his chest, trying to catch his breath and he walks away. Zayn ran up to me and cups my face between his hands.

"Are you okay?" He whispers and his eyes filled with worry. "I'm okay. I was getting scared." "It's okay Ali. You are safe with me now." He places a kiss on my forehead and I feel comfort wash over me.

"Let me take you home." "You can drop me at Clare's house." I suggest and he raises his eyebrows. "Or do you want to come home with me?"

Go to his home? Where we are alone.

But nothing is going to happen, right?

"Okay." I nod slowly. Zayn and I get into his car and begin the journey to his home.

I text my mum telling her I'm going home with Zayn so that she doesn't question me why I didn't come home.

'Mum, I'm staying over at Zayn's house tonight.'

"I understand why you wanted me to be careful around Jay." I say, breaking the silence between us. "I'm so glad I came at the right time. He písses me off." He says in annoyance. "I'm glad you did." My phone vibrates against my thigh and I see a reply from my mum.

'Alison. Do you think that is a good idea?'

Does my mum really think I want to do that?

'Nothing is going to happen. I can assure you.'

'Okay, See you tomorrow and look after yourself x'

After ten minutes, we arrive in front of his house and Zayn parks his car in the garage. He opens the car door for me and I follow him through the back door to enter the house.

We walk through the kitchen and he leads me to the living room.

"Nice place." I complement. "Thank you. You can sit down." He points towards the couch. "I'm just going to the bathroom." Sitting down on the couch, I take in my surroundings.

Everything is modern and neat. He has stacks of CD's and movies in the far corner, massive flat screen with gaming consoles, a few painting here and there as well as photographs. I take out my phone to text Clare.

'I'm at Zayn's house for the night. I'll speak to you tomorrow.'

Zayn came out of the bathroom wearing sweats and plain black t-shirt. In his hands, he had an extra pair of clothing.

"Here are some clothes for you to wear. Just go in at the first door on the left." He hands me the clothes and I walk to the bathroom.

I take off my clothes and put on his t-shirt and pants. The t-shirt is plain white which reached almost midway of my thighs. The pants are hanging low and I could easily trip.

This is not working.

I have to lose the pants which mean I will just be walking around in his t-shirt, exposing my pink, lace underwear.


I exit the bathroom, going back to the living room. "Zayn?" I shout out.

"I'm in the kitchen!" He shouts back and I went into the kitchen. "I need to take the pants off because-" I gesture to the hanging pants, making him chuckle.

"No offence but you right." I nod and went back to the bathroom, taking the pants off. I try pulling down the t-shirt more but it didn't help.

Can't do anything now.

I went back to the living room and picked up the photo frame that was next to the sofa.

"Zayn, who are these people in the photograph?" He came out with a big bowl in his hand and put it down. Looking inside the bowl, popcorn was in there.

Zayn looks at me up and down momentarily, biting his lip. Immediately, I look away from him, blushing.

He is checking me out.

"Uh... that's my mum and my three sisters." He points at each of them. His family is really beautiful and one of the sisters looks just like him.

"They are coming for the holidays here soon so; you will get to meet them." "Are we going to watch a movie?" "Yeah." He put his arm around me and we sat down on the couch. Leaning my head against his chest, he holds me close to him.

"What do you want to watch?" "I don't know. You pick?" He chuckles. "I got a movie in mind that you should like." Zayn grabs the TV remote on the side and switches the TV on. The Notebook pops up on the screen and a smile tugs on my lips.

"You like this movie, Zayn?" "Kind of. My sisters love it so it grew on me." Chuckles escape from my mouth and he rolls his eyes playfully. "This is new."

While watching the movie, Zayn was playing with my hair and kissing me against my forehead. For a moment, I look up at him.

"Zayn?" "Yes Ali?"

"Thank you for the song. I really liked it. No guy ever did that for me." Zayn let out a chuckle, squeezing my shoulder in reassurance.

"It's a pleasure. I'm glad that I'm the first and hopefully the last to do that for you."

Tattoos // Z.M  A.UWhere stories live. Discover now