Introduction Author Note

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Me: Hello Everyone!!! Thank you so much for even opening this reader insert. You can call me Dragon! I would now like to introduce your main love interests. Did that sound weird?

Kuroko: Yes it did.

Me: You were supposed to wait. *Complaining voice*

Kuroko: Sorry.

Me: It's fine. Because you are here anyway. First up is the light blue haired boy with the lack of presence. Kuroko Tetsuya!

Kuroko: Hello.

Me: Aren't you going to say anymore then that? Wait never mind we don't have time. Next up is the man with the red hair and wired eyebrows. The light to Kuroko shadow, and the guy that can cook. Kagami Taiga!

Kagami: I resent the eyebrow remark Dragon.

Me: Quit pouting and say hi.

Kagami: Fine. Hello reader.

Me: I think that is good as we are going to get. Please welcome our favorite green hair horoscope obsessed tsundere, Midorima Shintaro!

Midorima: Hello. What is your sign Dragon nanodayo?

Me: Virgo. Also I'm going stop you before you even start. Now I like you all to welcome the purple haired titan with a serious sweet tooth, Murasakibara Atsushi!

Murasakibara: Hi, if you like sweets we will get along and if not I will crush you.

Me: Don't scare the readers off yet Murasakibara. Next we have are blonde, more like yellow, haired model with the dazzling smile and the millions of fangirls, Kise Ryota.

Kise: Hello Reader-chii! Hi Dragon-chii!

Me: Hello Kise. Nest up is the the dark blue haired, lazy butt pervert, Aomine Daiki!
Me: I said, Aomine Daiki! Will some please go get him.

Aomine is dragged into the room by Kagami.

Me: Thank you. Now say hi Aomine.

Aomine: Sup, if you have a big chest I like you already. Also Dragon nice....

Me: *Pulls out hand fan and slaps him with it* If you finish that sentence I will finish you.

Aomine: Ok chill.

Me: And last but not least the red hair emperor with the sharp and stabby scissors, Akashi Seijuro!

Akashi: Hello and remember my orders are absolute.

Me: You could be little nicer you know.

Akashi: What did you say? *Pulls a pair of scissors out*

Me: Nothing. Anyway reader this are the only ones for the time being. Remember I don't own Kuroko no Basket. Also I hope you enjoy reading these. Bye!

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