When You Get Hit With A Basketball

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(N/N)- Nickname


You were waiting in the gym and watching to guys practice. You had your headphones on listening to Waiting for Sumperman and you had them low enough to hear what was going on, so you know when to cheer and clap for them. They were practicing passing drills when it happened. You saw the basketball flying towards you but it was to late and smacked you right in the face, and the force sent you backwards causing your butt to land in the place for feet in the second row.

"(F/N)!" A panicked yells sounds through the gym. It was the voice of your boyfriend Akaski Seijuro. You push yourself upwards and notice something warm and wet was dripping down you face onto your lip. Your hands reachs up to find blood; the basketball had caused a bloody nose. Also you figured there would be a bruise on your nose. "Are you ok?" Akaski asks and the rest of the team stands behind him worried. You move your hand away showing them the blood which was starting to cover more of your mouth. They looked shocked at first, but react quickly rushing to get tissues and something to get rid of the blood. Akaski sits next to you wrapping his arm around your shoulder rubbing your arm up and down.

"(N/N) here are tissues and a wet rag." Hayama say handing you the tissues and Akaski the wet rag. "Also sorry I wasn't paying attention and when Nebuya passed it, it hit you." He apologizes moving back and fourth on his feet nervously while Akaski gets rid of the blood on your mouth and under your nose and your hand.

"It's fine you didn't mean to. Don't worry about Hayama even the amazing and talented Rakuzan basketball team make mistakes. Plus I probably would have ran into something sooner or later getting a bloody nose." You say pressing one one the tissues to your nose.

"Thank you (N/N)!" He say happily giving you a quick hug and went to tell the rest of the team you were fine.

"You sure your ok (F/N)?" Akaski questions helping you up.

"Yeah, but I'm going to head to the girls locker room before I drip blood all over the floor." You grab the rest of the tissues and head to the locker room with Akaski following behind you. He decided not leave you until the blood stopped. To say the least he was slightly freaked when he saw you going crashing backwards and when he saw the blood.


You sat on the bleachers listening to music watching the baseball team practice. You were in your own world listening to Shut Up and Dance and you were singing quietly to yourself. You watch as Aomine makes a basket and you cheer and clap for him. That is when it all goes down hill from there; Aomine was working on passing when he passed it to far to the right. You saw it coming, but you had no chance to react. The basketball was headed straight for you. You felt it slamming into your stomach and you doubled over in pain collapsing to the floor. You let a moan of pain and clutching your stomach.

"(F/N)!" Aomine yells running over to you. You lift you head up to see your boyfriend rushing over and letting a pitiful smile make its way onto your face. He bends down and pulls you into his chest. "Are you ok?"

"Do I look ok to you Aho?" You answer sarcastically groaning from the new wave of pain that was spreading throughout your body.

"So that's a no?" He asks smirking and you just glare at him. "I'm shutting up." He say lifting his arms up in defense, but that was mistake. His arms were holding you and yours were holding your stomach, so you end up rolling off his lap and hitting the floor. You let a hiss of pain from the new wave of pain spreading through your body.

You turn your head in Aomine direction let a harsh glare. "I'm going to kick you sorry ass, so you had better start running."  Aomine could tell you were dead serious. He chuckled nervously and kissed your forehead and ran so fast he could have left a dust trail behind him. "Someone get me some ice for my stomach and (F/F) ice cream." You say as loud as you could and you watch as the rest of them rush off getting what you wanted.

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