How You Meet

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(L/N) - Last Name
(F/N) - First Name
(C/E) - Color of Eyes
(Z/S) - Zodiac Sign
(F/F) - Favorite Flavor


You let a annoyed sigh as you move throughout the hallways of your new High School Rakuzan. At the moment your only goal was to make it to the student council president office. For some reason which you didn't understand you parents had the school make you the secretary for the student council president and at the moment you were slightly pissed off at the whole situation, but begin the slightly shy girl you are you didn't complain.

At last you manage to find the room and you open the door and walk in. As you step into the room your (C/E) meet a pair of well more like one red and one gold eye. He had bright red hair that matched his one eye. He stands up and gives you a hard a cold look, but you just blink back at him unaffected. He was short that was for sure but you still were shorter then him. (If you're tall than him just pretend your not.) You pout a little at the thought.

"Who are you?" He says his seemingly cold voice rings through the room that could use a little color and life to it.

"I'm (L/N) (F/N)." You say in quite voice giving a slight bow trying to be polite.

He scoffs."So your my secretary." He said in unimpressed voice.

Well as mentioned earlier you weren't in the best moods. It was plainly obvious he didn't want you here, so you quickly decided you weren't leaving not just yet anyway. "Yes, I'm and I'm going to help you anyway I can whether you like or not, and who are you?" You responded your mood doing a one eighty.

"Akaski Seijuro and why would I need your help?"

"How should I know?" You respond shrugging.

"Then go." He points to the door.

"I'm not leaving." You snap back not putting up with grumpy attitude.

"Did you just disobey me?" He pulls out a pair of red scissors pointing them out.

'Oh great a wack job' You think to yourself. "Yes I did if that wasn't obvious, and put those scissors away please before you hurt someone or yourself."

He glares at you, but you hold your ground. "Fine, but don't get in my road and you have to follow my orders they are absolute."

You rise a brow at this. 'Something tells me this was going to be very interesting.'


You wave goodbye to your mom as she pulls away, and you turn to face your first day of high school at the Too Academy You make your way through the crowd of students trying to join clubs, and honestly at the moment you could care less about joining one. You already belonged to a team and honestly you didn't want to leave it, but is something for another time. You head to the class list broad at start looking for your name. After finding it you turn. Suddenly a pink haired girl slams into your making you fall backwards.

"I'm so sorry." The girl apologizes over and over again help you up.

"It is fine." You respond back giving a little smile. "But why were you running?"

"Well, some guys were flirting with and I didn't like it one bit." The girl explains.

"Is that them?" You ask pointing to some guys coming over. She looks and nods rapidly and letting go it a squeak goes behind you. They end up coming over.

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