When You Call Him By His First Name

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It was after practice got over and you two had stayed behind to finish some reports up. Akaski watches as you file reports humming to some song he hasn't heard before. "What are you humming (F/N)?" You turn around looking at him.

"What do you mean Akaski?" You ask walking over to him. He was slightly annoyed that you were still calling him by his last name even though you two were dating. He called you by your first name.

"First were dating so call me by my first name, and second the song you were humming what was it called?" He asks.

You were shocked that he wanted you to call him by his first name, and you kinda kept forgetting. "It is called Heartbeat Song by Kelly Clarkson." You say smiling. "Anyway I got to get going. Night Seijuro." You lean down and give him a kiss on the cheek than walk out the door. Akaski just watched you walk away and decided that he loved the way his name sounded on your lips.


Aomine was watching as you did your homework. You had agreed to help him with all of his homework and you did, but right now you were finishing up on the homework from the one class you two didn't have together. There was only one question left on his mind, even though you two were dating you had yet to call him by his first name. He called you by yours so why not the other way around?

"Why don't you call me by first name?" Aomine asks when you close your notebook.

"I'm not sure, but if you want me to, I can." You reply putting your books in you bag.

"Yes, I do (F/N)." He responds.

You stand up and grab your bag. "You should have said so then." You lean down and kiss his cheek. "See you later Daiki." He watches as you leave with a smirk on his face happy you said his name.


You both were at the basketball courts. Kagami was shooting hoops, and you were cheering for him, but there was something bugging Kagami. When you cheered, you would use his last name instead of his first even though you both were dating.

"Go Taiga Go!" You cheer but cover your mouth quickly. Kagami looks at you confused about why you covered your mouth.

Kagami walks over to and sits down next to you. "You can call me by my first name (F/N)."

"Ok then." You give him a smile making his heartbeat faster. "I have to go. Night Taiga." You give him a kiss on his cheek and quickly walk away. Kagami lets out a smile at the sound of his name coming from your mouth.


Kise had a late night modeling shoot and he dragged you along to watch. You had to admit it was pretty interesting to watch. After the shoot the photographer had mistaken you for one of the models which made you smile and gain some confidence. Kise on the other hand was confused; he was still trying to figure out why you wouldn't call him by his first name. He really wanted to hear his name coming from your mouth.

"You did a wonderful job Ki..." You start to congratulate him but his hand covers your mouth.

"(F/N)-chii please call me by my first name." He asks with puppy dog eyes.

A smile appears on your face, "Well, you did a wonderful job Ryota, and I have to go, so have a good night." You give him a kiss on the cheek and walk out of the building. Kise just watches after with a huge grin on his face.


You and Kuroko were drinking vanilla milkshakes in the park watching Kagami and Sasha have a one on one match. You could tell that Sasha was having to work at not trying to play basketball, but Kuroko on the other hand had something else on his mind. He was trying to understand why you wouldn't call him by his first name. Kagami and Sasha were on first name basis.

"Why don't you call me by my first name (F/N)?" Kuroko ask gaining his attention.

"I didn't know if you wanted me to." You reply shrugging your shoulders.

"I do."

"Well, I have to go. Night Tetsuya." You get up and walk out of the park with Sasha running up from behind to catch up with you. Tetsuya let a small a smile make it way onto his face.


You were putting out lucky items out on the shelves after closing time for you Aunt's shop, and Midorima was giving you hand with thing on the taller shelves. It was a bad day for (Z/S) and your aunt didn't want you standing on a ladder or step stool. While you went to grab to last box from the back, Midorima was trying to figure out to tell you that he wanted you to call him by his first name.

"Here is the last box." You announce placing the last box on the floor and unpacking it. After  finishing you told your aunt you two were leaving and said you see her when you got home.

"Thanks for the help Mid.."

"You call me by my first name (F/N), but it not like I want you to or anything nanodayo." Midorima says pushing up his glasses and blushing.

"Thanks for the help Shintaro. I have to go see you later!" You say walking across the street. Midorima stares after you blushing brightly, but he was super happy.


It was after school and basketball practice and you Murasakibara were buying sweets and snacks. Murasakibara was a bit distracted about something. He remembered that boyfriends and girlfriends address each other by their first names and he started calling you by you first name, but you had yet to call him by his. After paying for the food, you two walked out of the store. You had one bag while he had over ten.

"Thanks for the snacks Mur..."

He interrupts you, "Call me by my first name (F/N)-chin."

"Thanks for the snacks Atsushi, but I have to be going. Night." You waving walking away. A lazy smile makes its way onto Murasakibara face.

---- Author Note Line Thingy ----

Me: Boom next chapter up!

Midorima: Good job, but it is not like I care or something.

Me: Whatever you say you Tsundere Carrot.

Midorima: Don't call me that Nanodayo!

Me: I will call you what I want to call you. Anyway, bye readers!

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