He Uses A Sweet Pick Up Line

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It was a slow and boring day at school, so you sat at your desk in Akaski's Student Council President Room playing a game on the computer. You were on break away so it didn't really matter that you weren't in the classroom you were supposed to be in.

The door opens and in walks your handsome boyfriend. "I'm bored." You state spinning around in your chair until you head was screaming stop. "And dizzy." You giggle a bit and Akaski watches as your eyes seemingly sparkle.

Akaski walks over to you, "I think you've got something in your eye." He says leaning over you desk and looking into your eyes, "Oh never mind, it's just a sparkle." Your face flushes and smile makes its way onto you lips.


You lean back in your chair reaching you arms back to stretch. It was one of those slow and boring days at school, but Aomine had chosen to come to class today, but he was asleep so that how that goes.

But he had watched you stretch and enjoyed the view a little to much. "Aomine I see you finally woke up." He just looks at you and shrugs. You smile a bit.

"You know (F/N), of all the beautiful curves on you body, your smile is my favorite." Your smile has now gotten bigger and you cheeks had a pink tint to them.


It was a dark and cloudy morning and the sun seemed to be nowhere. It was lightly raining and you were walking under an umbrella with Kagami on the way to school.You let out a sigh as it begins to rain hard. Kagami could tell you were upset and was trying to think of some way to get you to smile.

"Hey (F/N)," you look at your raising an eyebrow. "Did the sun come out or did you just smile at me?"

A smile makes its way onto you face and you give him a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks."


Kise bugged you until you agreed to walk home form school with him. Neither of you had basketball practice so you deicide it would be ok. He noticed your shoe had come untied as you were walking.

"(F/N)-chii," You look at him and he bends down and ties your shoe. "I had to tie your shoe, cause I don't want you falling for anyone else.

"That was cute Ryota." You respond smiling.


It was Sunday and you were sleeping in but then your phone pings, so reluctantly you roll over and grab you phone and open the message from Kuroko.

I hope your day is going to as beautiful as you are. ❤️

A smile makes it was onto your face. You quickly text back and the rest of the morning was spent texting each other back and forth.


It was not your day. You couldn't find you lucky item, and you looked like a disaster. Your hair was a mess and your clothes ripped and had food spilled on them. You felt like crying.

Your boyfriend sits down and looks at you; he felt bad and wanted to make you smile. "What does it feel like to be the most beautiful girl in this room?" Midorima manages to get out without stuttering after getting you attention.

"Thank you." You say hugging him. He stiffens but relaxes and lets you hug him.


It was lunch time and you and Yosen's basketball team were out side enjoying the sun shine. You had eaten everything but a chocolate chip cupcake with chocolate frosting. You pull it of your bag and take off the wrapping and bite in.

"(F/N)-chin you should stop eating that cupcake," Murasakibara says looking at you.

"Why should I do that?" You ask.

"You're sweet enough already." You blush and smile, but finish the cupcake anyway.

----Line Thingy ----

Me: Finished.

Kuroko: Good job Dragon-san

Me: Thank you very much, see at least someone knows how to be polite.

Kuroko: Are you talking about Kagami?

Me: Well he was rude in last one and he called me stupid.

Kuroko: Was giving him a bloody nose real necessary?

Me: No.... OK I'll go apologize, see you later reader!

Kuroko: Bye.

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