What Piece Of Jewelry He Gets For Your Birthday

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For him you were his queen and this ring was proof of that. You and him had gone shopping one day and you commented how pretty it was and so after it was in a birthday gift you received from him.


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You and him both loved basketball and when Aomine saw this ring in a shop window he thought it would be perfect for your birthday.


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As much as he hated and feared dogs, he knew you loved them and accepted that fact willingly. When he spotted the earrings he knew you would love them; it turned into a game of keeping it quite tell your birthday though.


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One of you life long dreams was to travel the world and document those travels in writings and photographs. As soon a Kise was this hanging in a store window he knew it would a wonderful gift for your birthday.


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Both of you loved milkshakes more then could either of you could explain. Of course it had your initials for the letters. Kuroko couldn't wait tell your birthday to have you open it.


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You were in love with fairy tales and as soon as he saw that necklace he knew you would love it.  It was a great birthday gift that he knew you would love.


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You loved sweets and when Murasakibara saw it a sweet shop window he knew you like the sweets charm bracelet. When your birthday came around he almost forgot about, but in the end he did remember.

 When your birthday came around he almost forgot about, but in the end he did remember

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---- Author Note ----
Murasakibara: The cake looks good.

Midroma: Don't you dare eat any yet!

Murasakibara: But I'm hungry.

Kuroko: You have to wait for Dragon.

Kagiam : Hello Reader it is Dragon's birthday and we are trying to surprise her, so if she asks we aren't here.
Me: Hi everyone! I hate to bug you but have you seen any of the boys I can't find them anywhere? .... No well if you do can you tell them I'm looking for them. It is kinda hard to do the ending without them.
Kise: She's coming. Everyone be quite:

Aomine: We are you blonde idiot, you're the one being loud.

Kise: No I'm not.

Aomine: Yes you are.

Akashi: Both of you shut up!

Me: What are you guys going on about?

Kise: When did you get here Dragon-chii?

Me: When you were arguing with Aomine, is that cake? What are you seven up to?

Everyone: Happy Birthday!!!

Me: Awww you guys remember, thank you! Now let's eat cake!!! Cake for everyone!!!

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