When He Tries to Ask You Out

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He had finally decided to ask you out. But to put it simply it wasn't going that well. Every time he got you alone something would happen to ruin it.

Attempt 1

It was just ten minutes before school started and you were rushing around trying to find a student council member who need to sign a paper. You suddenly ram it to someone causing you the hit the floor. You let out a sigh and pop back up ready to apologize. You eyes widen in shock seeing that it was Akaski, 'Well I'm done for.' You think to you self crying inside your head. " I'm so sorry Akaski." I apologize. Sure he was your friend, sort of, but you still didn't make him mad.

"It is fine." He replies. He looks around the hall. Which was mostly empty seeing that almost everyone was in class. "(L/N)...." He didn't get to finish the sentence because the person you were looking for was right down the hall.

"Excuse me." You give him a smile a take off down the hall. He watches as you go. 'Did I just fail to ask you out?' He think to himself surprised.

Attempt 2

He cornered you during lunch period. You were on the way to eat with your two friends and to hear about the latest school social news. You know who is dating who thing like that; it wasn't exactly gossiping but close enough. Anyway Akaski had trapped you in his office, but you just thought he wanted to have lunch in here with you. Just as he was opening his mouth to tell you the fire alarm went off.

It end up being a false alarm. Some decided it would be funny to pull the alarm. Let's just say Akaski took it as his responsibility to punish the said student. But not for pulling the fire alarm.

Attempt 3

They say the third time was the charm, but in this case it wasn't. He asked you to help at basketball practice. You agreed because you didn't have any thing to do this afternoon or evening. His plan was that you could ride home with him after practice, and then he would tell you. You watched the practice cheering every now and then; it seemed to lift the guys spirits. Akaski decides to call a quick break. The team was happy a quickly went over to you. (You had the water and towels.) He watches impatiently for you to bring him his water but you were to busy talking with the team.

By the time practice was over Akaski was slightly excited. When he got out of the locker room you were gone. It turns out one of your older brothers had picked you up. Akaski had gone home pissed and decided tomorrow he would ask you out for sure.


Aomine swore something was out to ruin his plan to ask you out. Well, it was more like someone. Every time he got you alone someone would show up and ruin it. Take this morning for example.

Attempt 1

Aomine, for once, wasn't sleeping on the roof, no he was waiting for you to come into the classroom. He planned on asking you out this morning. He wasn't taking any chances that someone else would ask you out. You finally walk into th class room you smile at the sight of him actually in the class room. He gives you wave placing his feet on the desk and leaning back in his chair. You figured he was just going to sleep throughout the whole class, but at least he was present. As you sit down, Aomine turns and faces you ready to ask the question, but of course something went wrong. 

Before he could even open his mouth a guy walked over and started to talk to you about the latest project. When you weren't paying attention to either of them the guy turned Aomine and stuck his tongue at him. Aomine had to restrain himself from ripping off the guy's head.

Attempt 2

It was lunch time, and you were busy laughing and chatting with Momoi. Aomine came you a just dragged you off. This made you of course but you wanted to know why. "Hey, what are you doing?"

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