When He Does Your Hair

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All of you family was gone for different reasons this weekend, and you invited Akashi over so you could spend time together. He wasn't ready to meet your family just yet, but he didn't know that you already meet his father, but that's another story.

You just finished getting dressed from you shower. A tank top and shorts was your outfit of choice. You were getting ready to dry and straighten your hair, when you heard a knock on your bedroom door. "Come in!" While plugging your dryer in.

"Hello My Empress." Akashi says shutting the door behind him.

"Hello My Emperor." You respond bushing your hair still trying to get used to calling him that weird nickname.

"Can I help?" Akashi asks pointing to you hair dryer.

"Be my guest." You walk across you room to you desk and roll over your desk chair to the vanity. You take a seat and hand Akashi your hair brush and the dryer. "You can do whatever you want to do to just no cutting it." You warn giggling.

You feel the bush going through your wet (H/C) make the tangles come undone. Then the heat coming from the hair dryer. You then become distracted talking to your red haired boyfriend about the latest basketball game.

As time passed by your hair was dried and straightened, but you didn't notice anything until he spun your black and (F/C) chair around facing away from the mirror, and began to mess with your hair. You about said something but you kept quite and didn't question and continued with telling him about you and your friends latest game.

---- Time Skip ----

"Close your eyes (F/N)." Akashi says smiling slightly.

"Ok." You close your eyes and you feel him spin the chair around.

"Open them." You open your (E/C) eyes and you jaw drops at the sight.

" You open your (E/C) eyes and you jaw drops at the sight

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"How did you do that?" You and looking at him. "Where did you learn how to do a half crown braid?"

"It's a secret." He responds smiling putting his finger to his lips.

You roll your eyes smiling at him, "Well in any case it is amazing, thank you." You respond getting up a giving him a kiss.


You had both escaped to the rooftop on break. You had been really tried this morning from the basketball game you had last night, and this morning you looked, for no better terms, like shit. But your hair was the main disaster area everything else fine but your (H/C) was sticking up, curly, straight, and knotted. You tried to tame it but, to say the least, it wasn't going well.

You let a cry of frustration and threw your hair brush down as tears pricked to corners of your eye. "I can't do this!" Aomine walks up at your cry of frustration and starts rubbing you back in soothing manner calming you down.

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