Your First Kiss With Him

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You watched your boyfriend working on something for the student council. You were thinking about what one of your friends asked you earlier. It was if you Akashi have kissed yet and you had to answer no because you hadn't. Sure, you had kissed guys before because you had a few boyfriends before this but there was no spark, and you were worried that it would be like that if you kissed Akashi.

You didn't want that to happen. You loved being around him and talking to him. He was perfect and seemed to click with your personality; granted you haven't told him everything but you weren't ready for that yet. Anyway back to the problem, you wanted to kiss him but weren't sure how to go about it.

"Is there something wrong?" Akaski questions grabbing your attention.

"Nothing just thinking about something." You reply waving your hand dismissively not paying much attention to him.

"What was that something?"

"Kissing." Your eyes widen at what you just said. You cover you mouth with your hand say a couple of curse words in your head.

Akaski stands up smirking and walks over to you. "If you wanted to kiss me that bad you could have just asked." He leans over the desk and kisses you. You eyes widen in shock and melt in to the kiss; you could feel the spark. You run out of breath and pull away blushing hard core.

"I have to um..... Help fill water bottles." You grab your bag bolting out of the room. Akaski starts laughing as you run away. Basketball practice had gotten over already plus your reaction to the whole thing had been adorable. He had to admit you weren't that bad of kisser either.


Aomine never had been one for waiting and you weren't either. So it confused those around you why you were waiting to kiss your boyfriend. You weren't the one waiting it was Aomine. Honestly you didn't understand and you had tried, but it was Aomine who was avoiding it. You couldn't figure out why he was so nervous to kiss you. You figured do he had his first kiss already and has much as he boosts about himself you would be shocked if he didn't.

You were done with beating around the bush and decided to do something a little bit reckless and foolish. You decide to to trap Aomine in into a spot he couldn't get out of just kiss him there and then solving the problem once and all.

You found him on the roof and took this as golden opportunity. This was only going to work once and if he did catch on to what you were planning well you choose not think about it. You approached the sleeping man like a ninja. You placed your hands on his shoulders making him wake up. Before he knew what was happening you leaned in and kissed him.

Aomine eyes open wide in shock, but he relaxed and kissed back seeing that it was you kissing him and not some random girl. You pull away and bolt to the door laughing. Aomine gets up and chases after no way you were getting away not without kissing him again.


Kagami was acting super jumpy and you couldn't understand why. Every time he talked to you he seemed to want to ask you something, but he would panic and run off. This was happening all week and you had enough of it. You trapped him after basketball practice in the guys locker room. It wasn't the ideal spot, but you were going to take what you could get.

"What have you trying to ask me all week Kagami?" Cutting straight to the point.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You do and if you don't so help I will make your life a living hell."

"You wouldn't."

"Try me, you may be my boyfriend but trust me you don't want to make me mad."

"I wanted to ask if it is ok to kiss you." Your eyes widen at the information. A huge smile makes it way on to your face and tackle your boyfriend in a hug. You nod your head and press your lips to his. It was the best feeling in the world.


You watch as your hyperactive boy friend reads a cute and sweet story that he wrote out loud to the class for a project we had to do. It was all about this guy wanting to kiss his girlfriend for the first time, but every time he tried his girlfriend would become distracted by something or someone. It was unknown to you that the story was about you and Kise.

After class got over you asked him about the story. "Did the guy ever kiss his girlfriend?"

"Do you want to find out?"

"Yes." Kise leans in a gives you a peck on the lips. "See you later (F/N)-chii!!!" Leaving you a blushing mess and putting two and two together.


You skip down the hall to the gym. It was Wednesday so you and Kuroko would go and get milkshakes. Kuroko was waiting for you by the door. You smile and wave excitedly running over to him.

"Hi Testu..." Before you could react you were falling forward. You could see the ground coming and you braced yourself for impact. It all happened so slow before you realized it Kuroko was trying to catch you. But the force was to much and you took him out with you.

Opening your eyes slowly you see that you are centimeters away from his face. Both of you look into each other's eyes with longing. You lean down and kiss him. You brain was yelling at you that you are crazy and you needed to get away, but you know, you didn't listen. You felt Kuroko kiss you back and sparks flew.


It had been a strange morning. Your brother, the Cancer one, had given you a kiss on the forehead. On top of that one the Cancer regulars had give you a kiss on the hand. You didn't understand, but your Aunt said you would get it as soon as you saw your boyfriend.  With a pink scarf around your neck you headed off to school confused and lost. You rushed around the school trying to find your boyfriend with no luck. You had given up a walked into class.

It was one more minute before class started and he still wasn't there. Suddenly the door opens and Midorima walks in, but the thing was there was blue paint splattered all over him, his shoes were wet, and there was um.... Bird poop on his jacket. He looked incredible pissed off and as soon as he saw you he stomped over pulled on your scarf.....
And he kissed you. As soon as pulls back he is blushing tenfold and the whole class was going wild. Even the teacher was cheering. He then rushes out of the room shouting something about changing. It took awhile but you figured it out. Cancers had the worst luck and the only way to avoid it was to kiss (Z/S). But you got a kiss from you tsundere boyfriend so it was a pretty good day for you anyway.


You had formed a brilliant plan to get your boyfriend to kiss you. The Pocky Game. "Hey Atsushi do you want to play a game with me." You ask sweetly.

"Sure." He say eating chips.

You pull out the box of chocolate pocky and he looks at and back to you. "Do you know how to play?" He nods which shocks you a little. You figured you have to explain it.

You pull out and pocky stick and place one end you mouth and motion for Murasakibara to do the same. Next the game starts. You keep your eyes on Murasakibara the whole waiting for the moment for you lips to connect. When they do you feel fireworks flying from the simple kiss.

Let's just say you two kept playing until you ran out of pocky.

---- Author Note Line Thingy ----

Me: Wow, I did a horrible job.

Akaski: It not bad.

Me: Did you see those kisses they were horrible. I suck at righting kiss scenes.

Akaski: Would shut up. It your first time righting kiss scenes.

Me: I guess your right. Also shout out to my lovely readers I was looking at how many people had read this and it now 328. That is amazing! Anyway see you later!

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